I want to download a file with the Request library. It's pretty straightforward:

    url: url-to-file

Since the URL is supplied by users (in my case) I would like to limit the maximum file size my application will download - let's say 10MB. I could rely on content-length headers like so:

    url: url-to-file
}, function (err, res, body) {
    var size = parseInt(res.headers['content-length'], 10);

    if (size > 10485760) {
        // ooops - file size too large

The question is - how reliable is this? I guess this callback will be called after the file has been downloaded, right? But than it's too late if someone supplies the URL of file which is 1 GB. My application will first download this 1 GB of a file just to check (in the callback) that this is too big.

I was also thinking about good old Node's http.get() method. In this case I would do this:

var opts = {
    host: host,
    port: port,
    path: path

var file = fs.createWriteStream(fileName),
    fileLength = 0;

http.get(opts, function (res) {
    res.on('data', function (chunk) {
        fileLength += chunk.length;

        if (fileLength > 10485760) { // ooops - file size too large
            return res.end();

    }).on('end', function () {

What approach would you recommend to limit download max file size without actually downloading the whole thing and checking it's size after all?

  • content-length is optional and frequently unavailable so never rely on it.
    – Alex K.
    Aug 1, 2014 at 12:23
  • @RahilWazir How can I possibly check with fs if the file is not on the disk yet? I want to download it from the Internet and make sure it's not bigger than 10MB.
    – Pono
    Aug 1, 2014 at 12:25
  • The seconds approach looks fine; since you've pretty much answered the question already, it makes more sense to put it on Code Review IMHO.
    – jgillich
    Aug 1, 2014 at 12:28
  • 1
    I`m not really sure, but isnt there a way to listen on the 'data' or 'pipe' event of the write stream and then access the already written file-size? If so, you could intervine there and cancel the request as soon as there is more than 1mb written. Aug 1, 2014 at 12:59

2 Answers 2


I would actually use both methods you've discussed: check the content-legnth header, and watch the data stream to make sure it doesn't exceed your limit.

To do this I'd first make a HEAD request to the URL to see if the content-length header is available. If it's larger than your limit, you can stop right there. If it doesn't exist or it's smaller than your limit, make the actual GET request. Since a HEAD request will only return the headers and no actual content, this will help weed out large files with valid content-lengths quickly.

Next, make the actual GET request and watch your incoming data size to make sure that it doesn't exceed your limit (this can be done with the request module; see below). You'll want to do this regardless of if the HEAD request found a content-length header, as a sanity check (the server could be lying about the content-length).

Something like this:

var maxSize = 10485760;

    url: url,
    method: "HEAD"
}, function(err, headRes) {
    var size = headRes.headers['content-length'];
    if (size > maxSize) {
        console.log('Resource size exceeds limit (' + size + ')');
    } else {
        var file = fs.createWriteStream(filename),
            size = 0;

        var res = request({ url: url });

        res.on('data', function(data) {
            size += data.length;

            if (size > maxSize) {
                console.log('Resource stream exceeded limit (' + size + ')');

                res.abort(); // Abort the response (close and cleanup the stream)
                fs.unlink(filename); // Delete the file we were downloading the data to

The trick to watching the incoming data size using the request module is to bind to the data event on the response (like you were thinking about doing using the http module) before you start piping it to your file stream. If the data size exceeds your maximum file size, call the response's abort() method.

  • 1
    Shouldn't there be res.unpipe(file) for safety's sake? Or does abort unpipe automatically?
    – user1046334
    Mar 17, 2015 at 14:48
  • 1
    @herby abort() will close the socket and ignore any remaining incoming data. It should be safe to just call abort() and be done with it since closing the stream should be enough. That being said, I looked around in the abort() code a bit and I didn't see anything that explicitly unpipes a piped stream, so it certainly wouldn't hurt to call res.unpipe(file) there too.
    – Mike S
    Mar 17, 2015 at 15:10
  • One problem I see with this is that the data handler will start reading the stream, ignoring backpressure, whereas only piping will apply backpressure. Jul 12, 2019 at 19:27

I had a similar issue. I use now fetch to limit download size.

const response = await fetch(url, {
    method: 'GET',t
    size: 5000000, // maximum response body size in bytes, 5000000 = 5MB 
}).catch(e => { throw e })

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