Does anybody have a quickie for converting an unsafe string to an int?

The string typically comes back as: '234\r\n' or something like that.

In this case I want 234. If '-1\r\n', I want -1. I never want the method to fail but I don't want to go so far as try, except, pass just to hide errors either (in case something extreme happens).

  • 6
    "I never want the method to fail but I don't want to go so far as try, except, pass just to hide errors" That certainly seems contradictory. "Never Fail" means "Catch Exceptions". What do you mean by "Never Fail" and "NOT Catch Exceptions"? What is this no-failure, no-exception thing you're expecting? Can you clarify your expectations?
    – S.Lott
    Mar 24, 2010 at 15:33

8 Answers 8


In this case you do have a way to avoid try/except, although I wouldn't recommend it (assuming your input string is named s, and you're in a function that must return something):

xs = s.strip()
if xs[0:1] in '+-': xs = xs[1:]
if xs.isdigit(): return int(s)
else: ...

the ... part in the else is where you return whatever it is you want if, say, s was 'iamnotanumber', '23skidoo', empty, all-spaces, or the like.

Unless a lot of your input strings are non-numbers, try/except is better:

try: return int(s)
except ValueError: ...

you see the gain in conciseness, and in avoiding the fiddly string manipulation and test!-)

I see many answers do int(s.strip()), but that's supererogatory: the stripping's not needed!

>>> int('  23  ')

int knows enough to ignore leading and trailing whitespace all by itself!-)

  • 6
    I have to give this answer status simply for the use of the word 'supererogatory' Mar 24, 2010 at 15:34
  • 1
    Rather than being supererogatory, perhaps the strip() is a case of "explicit is better than implicit".
    – dan-gph
    Mar 24, 2010 at 15:39
  • @Alex, it's not redundant because it communicates the intent of the programmer. It serves a purpose. It says that the programmer has considered that particular case. If it were left implicit, then the reader of the code would not know that.
    – dan-gph
    Mar 24, 2010 at 16:16
  • 2
    Actually, if reader knows how int behaves (now we all know ;-)), then he knows the intent of a programmer. Doing certain code twice is truly redundant.
    – gruszczy
    Mar 24, 2010 at 16:19
  • 1
    @dangph, I know Tim Peters (the author of the Zen of Python) quite well, and I can assure you that's definitely not what he meant by "explicit is better than implicit". Code that uses a language well (in particular by not doing redundant operations, which clutter code, reducing its readability, and damage performance) is better than code which uses that language badly (e.g. through redundancy). If you don't know well the programming languages you're using, learn them -- there's nothing "contingent" about the behavior of int, which hasn't changed in 10 years or more! Mar 25, 2010 at 0:33
import re
int(re.sub(r'[^\d-]+', '', your_string))

This will strip everything except for numbers and the "-" sign. If you can be sure that there won't be ever any excess characters except for whitespace, use gruszczy's method instead.

  • This actually turned out to be best. I was getting bitten by things like '1234\r\nm' which killed int() Apr 22, 2010 at 18:39


But that won't help you, if something else than a number is passed. Always put try, except and catch ValueError.

Anyway, this also works: int('243\n\r '), so maybe you don't even need strip.


Why don't you just write your own function, that will catch the exception and return a sane default and put into some utils module?

except ValueError:
  • In this situation, I might as well just do: try: x=int("234\r\n") except ValueError: x=0 Mar 24, 2010 at 15:22
  • Yep; you might as well, unless you know there are other kinds of strings you need to accept. Mar 24, 2010 at 15:25
def str_to_int(a):
    for i in range(len(a)):
        for b in range(10):
            if a[i]==str(b):
    return int(str_to_int_output)

fn for "str to float" is a bit more comlicated, but i think i can do it if it is needed.


You could just:

def to_int(unsafe_string):
    return int(unsafe_string.strip())

But it will throw a ValueError if the stripped unsafe_string is not a valid number. You can of course catch the ValueError and do what you like with it.

  • I guess I was hoping that something like this was available natively. Maybe in Django? Mar 24, 2010 at 15:23
  • As gruszczy mentioned, it seems like int('234\r\n') works without strip, so my function here is completely redundant.
    – mojbro
    Mar 24, 2010 at 15:27
  • There is nothing existing natively because Explicit is better than implicit. (from Zen of python) Mar 24, 2010 at 15:29

Without knowing what kinds of inputs you are expecting, it's hard to say what is 'enough' to solve this. If you are just worried about trailing newlines, then Xavier Combelle's or gruszczy's answer is enough:

    x = int(value)
except ValueError:
    x = 0

If you have to find any integer, anywhere in a string, then you might need something like this:

import re
    x = int(re.search(r'(0|(-?[1-9][0-9]*))', searchstring).group(0))
except TypeError: # Catch exception if re.search returns None
    x = 0

Under Python 3.0 (IDLE) this worked nicely

strObj = "234\r\n"
except ValueError:

print(a) >>234

If you're dealing with input you cannot trust, you never should anyway, then it's a good idea to use try, except, pass blocks to control exceptions when users provide incompatible data. It might server you better to think about try, except, pass structures as defensive measures for protecting data compatibility rather than simply hidding errors.

    a=int(strObj) #user sets strObj="abc"
except ValueError:

if a != -1:
    #user submitted compatible data
    #inform user of their error

I hope this helps.

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