I have a Dataframe, df, with the following column:

936   2012-12-31
938   2012-12-29
965   2012-12-31
966   2012-12-31
967   2012-12-31
968   2012-12-31
969   2012-12-31
970   2012-12-29
971   2012-12-31
972   2012-12-29
973   2012-12-29

The elements of the column are pandas.tslib.Timestamp type. I want to extract the year and month.

Here's what I've tried:

df['ArrivalDate'].resample('M', how = 'mean')

which throws the following error:

Only valid with DatetimeIndex or PeriodIndex 

Then I tried:


which throws the following error:

'Timestamp' object has no attribute '__getitem__' 

My current solution is

df.index = df['ArrivalDate']

Then, I can resample another column using the index.

But I'd still like a method for reconfiguring the entire column. Any ideas?

  • 19
    the best answer is clearly.. df['mnth_yr'] = df.date_column.dt.to_period('M') as below from @jaknap32
    – ihightower
    Commented Jun 23, 2017 at 6:20
  • 5
    You don't even have to do to_period: df.date_column.dt.month (or .year, or .day) works
    – elz
    Commented Nov 21, 2017 at 19:27
  • 5
    @elphz: .dt.month loses the year though. And .dt.to_period('M') changes the data type to something which is not a datetime64 anymore. I ended up using Juan's answer suggesting .astype('datetime64[M]') to truncate the values.
    – Nickolay
    Commented May 27, 2018 at 23:09
  • Can you change the best answer? Commented May 12, 2020 at 15:27

11 Answers 11


If you want new columns showing year and month separately you can do this:

df['year'] = pd.DatetimeIndex(df['ArrivalDate']).year
df['month'] = pd.DatetimeIndex(df['ArrivalDate']).month


df['year'] = df['ArrivalDate'].dt.year
df['month'] = df['ArrivalDate'].dt.month

Then you can combine them or work with them just as they are.

  • 12
    Is there a way to do this in a single line ? I want to avoid traversing the same column multiple times.
    – fixxxer
    Commented Nov 1, 2015 at 16:40
  • 4
    Some quick benchmarking with timeit suggests that the DatetimeIndex approach is significantly faster than either .map/.apply or .dt. Commented Oct 25, 2016 at 9:34
  • 2
    the best answer is clearly.. df['mnth_yr'] = df.date_column.dt.to_period('M') as below from @jaknap32
    – ihightower
    Commented Jun 23, 2017 at 6:16
  • 1
    what actually does pd.Datetimeindex do?
    – JOHN
    Commented Apr 16, 2018 at 5:24
  • 4
    I sometimes do this: df['date_column_trunc'] = df[date_column'].apply(lambda s: datetime.date(s.year, s.month, 1)
    – Stewbaca
    Commented Jul 30, 2018 at 20:59

The df['date_column'] has to be in date time format.

df['month_year'] = df['date_column'].dt.to_period('M')

You could also use D for Day, 2M for 2 Months etc. for different sampling intervals, and in case one has time series data with time stamp, we can go for granular sampling intervals such as 45Min for 45 min, 15Min for 15 min sampling etc.

  • 15
    Note that the resulting column is not of the datetime64 dtype anymore. Using df.my_date_column.astype('datetime64[M]'), as in @Juan's answer converts to dates representing the first day of each month.
    – Nickolay
    Commented May 26, 2018 at 19:52

You can directly access the year and month attributes, or request a datetime.datetime:

In [15]: t = pandas.tslib.Timestamp.now()

In [16]: t
Out[16]: Timestamp('2014-08-05 14:49:39.643701', tz=None)

In [17]: t.to_pydatetime() #datetime method is deprecated
Out[17]: datetime.datetime(2014, 8, 5, 14, 49, 39, 643701)

In [18]: t.day
Out[18]: 5

In [19]: t.month
Out[19]: 8

In [20]: t.year
Out[20]: 2014

One way to combine year and month is to make an integer encoding them, such as: 201408 for August, 2014. Along a whole column, you could do this as:

df['YearMonth'] = df['ArrivalDate'].map(lambda x: 100*x.year + x.month)

or many variants thereof.

I'm not a big fan of doing this, though, since it makes date alignment and arithmetic painful later and especially painful for others who come upon your code or data without this same convention. A better way is to choose a day-of-month convention, such as final non-US-holiday weekday, or first day, etc., and leave the data in a date/time format with the chosen date convention.

The calendar module is useful for obtaining the number value of certain days such as the final weekday. Then you could do something like:

import calendar
import datetime
df['AdjustedDateToEndOfMonth'] = df['ArrivalDate'].map(
    lambda x: datetime.datetime(
        max(calendar.monthcalendar(x.year, x.month)[-1][:5])

If you happen to be looking for a way to solve the simpler problem of just formatting the datetime column into some stringified representation, for that you can just make use of the strftime function from the datetime.datetime class, like this:

In [5]: df
0 2014-10-17 22:00:03

In [6]: df.date_time
0   2014-10-17 22:00:03
Name: date_time, dtype: datetime64[ns]

In [7]: df.date_time.map(lambda x: x.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
0    2014-10-17
Name: date_time, dtype: object
  • 6
    Performance can be bad, so it's always good to make the best possible use of helper functions, vectorized operations, and pandas split-apply-combine techniques. My suggestions above aren't meant to be taken as an endorsement that they are the most performant approaches for your case -- just that they are stylistically valid Pythonic choices for a range of cases.
    – ely
    Commented Aug 5, 2014 at 19:03
  • The answer below by @KieranPC is much much faster
    – Ben
    Commented May 24, 2016 at 20:56
  • 2
    the best answer is clearly.. df['mnth_yr'] = df.date_column.dt.to_period('M') as below from @jaknap32
    – ihightower
    Commented Jun 23, 2017 at 6:16
  • 2
    You're supposed to multiply by 100 in df['YearMonth'] = df['ArrivalDate'].map(lambda x: 1000*x.year + x.month).
    – Git Gud
    Commented Jun 23, 2018 at 20:55

If you want the month year unique pair, using apply is pretty sleek.

df['mnth_yr'] = df['date_column'].apply(lambda x: x.strftime('%B-%Y')) 

Outputs month-year in one column.

Don't forget to first change the format to date-time before, I generally forget.

df['date_column'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date_column'])
  • 10
    You can avoid the lambda function as well: df['month_year'] = df['date_column'].dt.strftime('%B-%Y')
    – Rishabh
    Commented Mar 22, 2020 at 3:15

SINGLE LINE: Adding a column with 'year-month'-paires: ('pd.to_datetime' first changes the column dtype to date-time before the operation)

df['yyyy-mm'] = pd.to_datetime(df['ArrivalDate']).dt.strftime('%Y-%m')

Accordingly for an extra 'year' or 'month' column:

df['yyyy'] = pd.to_datetime(df['ArrivalDate']).dt.strftime('%Y')
df['mm'] = pd.to_datetime(df['ArrivalDate']).dt.strftime('%m')
  • 3
    .dt.strftime('%Y-%m') is incredibly slow especially on millions of records compared to slicing and adding as in .dt.year + "-" + .dt.month
    – Vitalis
    Commented Sep 18, 2020 at 22:07
  • Alright, that a useful insight. I used it for some files of 100000 rows and it was doing just fine, but it's a useful alternative.
    – Matthi9000
    Commented Sep 19, 2020 at 10:42

You can first convert your date strings with pandas.to_datetime, which gives you access to all of the numpy datetime and timedelta facilities. For example:

df['ArrivalDate'] = pandas.to_datetime(df['ArrivalDate'])
df['Month'] = df['ArrivalDate'].values.astype('datetime64[M]')
  • 2
    This worked really well for me, as I was looking for functionality analogous to pyspark's trunc. Is there any documentation for the astype('datetime64[M]') convention? Commented Apr 12, 2019 at 16:43
  • I was using 'datetime[M]' as suggested for some time, but as I've updated some libs (pandas to 1.5 and some others) I've noticed that it does not truncate anymore. Now is being converted to a date.
    – FábioRB
    Commented Oct 3, 2022 at 23:41

@KieranPC's solution is the correct approach for Pandas, but is not easily extendible for arbitrary attributes. For this, you can use getattr within a generator comprehension and combine using pd.concat:

# input data
list_of_dates = ['2012-12-31', '2012-12-29', '2012-12-30']
df = pd.DataFrame({'ArrivalDate': pd.to_datetime(list_of_dates)})

# define list of attributes required    
L = ['year', 'month', 'day', 'dayofweek', 'dayofyear', 'weekofyear', 'quarter']

# define generator expression of series, one for each attribute
date_gen = (getattr(df['ArrivalDate'].dt, i).rename(i) for i in L)

# concatenate results and join to original dataframe
df = df.join(pd.concat(date_gen, axis=1))


  ArrivalDate  year  month  day  dayofweek  dayofyear  weekofyear  quarter
0  2012-12-31  2012     12   31          0        366           1        4
1  2012-12-29  2012     12   29          5        364          52        4
2  2012-12-30  2012     12   30          6        365          52        4

Thanks to jaknap32, I wanted to aggregate the results according to Year and Month, so this worked:

df_join['YearMonth'] = df_join['timestamp'].apply(lambda x:x.strftime('%Y%m'))

Output was neat:

0    201108
1    201108
2    201108

Assuming ArrivalDate is already a datetime64[ns] dtype column (if not convert by using pd.to_datetime(df['ArrivalDate'])),

  • If you fancy a fast method, use numpy (faster than the pandas equivalent due to smaller overhead):1
    df['year'] = df['ArrivalDate'].to_numpy('datetime64[Y]').view('int64') + 1970
    df['month'] = df['ArrivalDate'].to_numpy('datetime64[M]').view('int64') % 12 + 1
  • If you fancy a one-liner, use timetuple():2
    df[['year', 'month']] = df['ArrivalDate'].apply(lambda x: x.timetuple()[:2]).tolist()
    # or use a list comprehension
    df[['year', 'month']] = [x.timetuple()[:2] for x in df['ArrivalDate'].tolist()]

1 The underlying numpy array of pandas' datetime64[ns] column may be accessed in a particular dtype such as datetime64[Y] using the .to_numpy() method. Once converted into a numpy array, it may be viewed as number of years since UNIX Epoch using .view('int64'), so adding 1970 to the result produces the correct year. Similarly, the datetime64[ns] column may be converted into the number of months since the UNIX Epoch using a combination of to_numpy()+view() using the correct dtypes. Then since we want to find the month, we take the remainder after dividing by 12 and add 1.

2 Pandas' Timestamp objects are equivalent to Python's datetime objects, so it also defines .timetuple() method which returns a namedtuple whose first two elements are year and month, so slicing the first two elements should do the trick.

df['year_month']=df.datetime_column.apply(lambda x: str(x)[:7])

This worked fine for me, didn't think pandas would interpret the resultant string date as date, but when i did the plot, it knew very well my agenda and the string year_month where ordered properly... gotta love pandas!


Then I tried:


I think here the proper input should be string.

  • 1
    This is a solution that works, but its error prone. best is to use the already available libraries for date and time Commented Jun 14, 2021 at 11:22

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