I have a changing variable that is a floating point (ex: 2.003)

And I want to automatically change it to only 2 decimal places.


1 Answer 1


You can use the round function:

print round(2.003, 2)   # 2.0
print round(2.013, 2)   # 2.01

Otherwise keep the precision and only display the number of decimals you want:

print '%.2f' % 2.003    # 2.00
print '%.2f' % 2.013    # 2.01
  • In my experience, the two-argument form of round is very rarely the right thing: if the user is rounding for display purposes, then he/she should be using string formatting (as you describe). If the user wants a float because the output will be used for further computation, you have to wonder why it's acceptable to throw out extra accuracy by rounding. And for monetary applications, Decimal is usually the way to go: with binary floating-point, rounding of (binary approximations to) decimal halfway cases, while perfectly well-defined, is essentially arbitrary from a user's point of view. Aug 7, 2014 at 18:22
  • See mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2012-September/… and the surrounding thread for more ... Aug 7, 2014 at 18:27

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