I am trying to get a fairly basic resampling method to work with a pandas data frame. My data frame df is indexed by datetime entries and contains prices

2000-08-16 09:29:55.755000  7.302786
2000-08-16 09:30:10.642000  7.304059
2000-08-16 09:30:26.598000  7.304435
2000-08-16 09:30:41.372000  7.304314
2000-08-16 09:30:56.718000  7.304334

I would like to downsample this to 5min. Using


takes the closest point to the left in my data of a multiple of 5min; similarly


takes the closes point to the right. However, I would like to take the linear interpolation between the point to the left and right instead, e.g. if my df contains the two consecutive entries

time t1, price p1
time t2, price p2


t1<t<t2 where t is a multiple of 5min

then the resampled dataframe should have the entry

time t, price p1+(t-t1)/(t2-t1)*(p2-p1)

1 Answer 1


try creating two separate dataframes, reset_index them (so they have the same numerical index), fillna on them, and then just do the math on df1 and df2. e.g:

df1 = df.resample(rule='5Min',how='last',closed='left').reset_index().fillna(method='ffill')
df2 = df.resample(rule='5Min',how='first',closed='left').reset_index().fillna(method='ffill')

dt = df1.datetime - df2.datetime
px_fld = df1.price + ...

something like that should do the trick.

  • Thanks for the answer. However, dt = df1.datetime - df2.datetime is then not defined.
    – fact
    Commented Aug 11, 2014 at 18:48
  • what do you mean by that? it's defined at dt = df1.datetime - df2.datetime, or do you mean something else?
    – acushner
    Commented Aug 11, 2014 at 19:18
  • 1
    Sorry what i meant is that df1.datetime gives an error since we used reset_index. However, just using df1['index'] instead works then exactly as you said. Many thanks!
    – fact
    Commented Aug 12, 2014 at 10:24
  • ah, i see. i was thinking that because the original df had 'datetime' as the index name that it would carry over. sorry about that, but glad you figured it out.
    – acushner
    Commented Aug 12, 2014 at 12:26
  • I need to do this also but since the answer is not complete I am having trouble. My attempt goes like this val = df1.value + (df0.timestamp - df1.timestamp) / (df2.timestamp - df1.timestamp) * (df2.value - df1.value). I can't see a use for df1.datetime - df2.datetime. Commented May 6, 2015 at 11:16

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