I current have code that build a montage using ImageMagick. This is my line of code:

montage -mode Concatenate -tile ${tile} -geometry ${geometry}+0+0 ${input} ${output}

I'm using -label ${label} to name my labels (in my input var).

This gets me a montage with a lot of white space, like that:

enter image description here

I checked on the manual and forums but everyone seem to agree that the way to do this is to use concatenate or geometry +0+0. I am already using those and it does not work. I also read that the font should be automatically chosen to fit the free space. Right now, there is way too much white space.

My goal: To get the white space (between the tiles on the vertical) to fit the current labels height and nothing more.

If you have an idea, I would be really happy.

Thank you anyway guys!

PS: It also doesn't work without labels. I get:

enter image description here

PPS: I'm sorry if my english is not really good, I am french from Montréal, Qc, Canada.

UPDATE: Those are my settings:

  • 1
    Can you expand the $tile & $geometry variables? As written, the example code does not produce the whitespace in the example images. Aug 14, 2014 at 1:57
  • I am sorry, I forgot my config. I added it right now on the bottom, under the "UPDATE" title. Thank you. Aug 14, 2014 at 13:55

1 Answer 1


The additional white space is coming from your geometry setting. The options -geometry 386x305+0+0 is adding an additional 15px between the image and the label.

whitespace between image and label

If you omit the WxH and add a non-zero value to the offset -geometry +0+15, then you'll have additional white space after the label.

whitepsace after label

To limit the white space to text height, and nothing more, just keep the option as -geometry +0+0.

no whitespace

I also read that the font should be automatically chosen to fit the free space.

I think that's reversed. The white space is determined by the typeface of the font. I wouldn't say fonts automatically adjust <blank>, but default to <blank>. It's always a good idea to define the font & pointsize.

  • TLDR; montage in1.jpg in2.jpg -geometry +0+0 out.jpg
    – MrMartin
    Aug 1, 2020 at 19:23

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