I'm trying to calculate affine transformation between two consecutive frames from a video. So I have found the features and got the matched points in the two frames.
FastFeatureDetector detector;
vector<Keypoints> frame1_features;
vector<Keypoints> frame2_features;
detector.detect(frame1 , frame1_features , Mat());
detector.detect(frame2 , frame2_features , Mat());
vector<Point2f> features1; //matched points in 1st image
vector<Point2f> features2; //matched points in 2nd image
for(int i = 0;i<frame2_features.size() && i<frame1_features.size();++i )
double diff;
diff = pow((frame1.at<uchar>(frame1_features[i].pt) - frame2.at<uchar>(frame2_features[i].pt)) , 2);
if(diff<SSD) //SSD is sum of squared differences between two image regions
Mat affine = getAffineTransform(features1 , features2);
The last line gives the following error :
OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (src.checkVector(2, CV_32F) == 3 && dst.checkVector(2, CV_32F) == 3) in getAffineTransform
Can someone please tell me how to calculate the affine transformation with a set of matched points between the two frames?