I wrote the simple app base on pjsip (pjsua2). If I close my app when I have active calls I have memory access error in Endpoint::on_call_state(pjsua_call_id call_id, pjsip_event *e)

I try before closing do


Some time 2 sec enough time for closing and app closed correctly, but some time doesn't.

What correct way to close the pjsua2 app? And how waiting what all calls are hangup?

1 Answer 1


From my expirience of working with PJSUA2, the correct way to exit is to ensure that destructors of all calls are called before pj::Account destructor and desturctor for pj::Account is called before pj::Endpoint destructor.

In my applications I have integer calls counter and exit bool flag in pj::Account derived class like:

class MyAccount : public pj::Account
    void incrementCallsCount() { ++_callsCount; }
    void decrementCallsCount() { --_callsCount; }
    size_t getCallsCount() const { return _callsCount; }
    void setWantExit(boot wantExitFlag) { _wantExitFlag = wantExitFlag; }
    void onIncomingCall(pj::OnIncomingCallParam &prm)
       if (_wantExitFlag)
       MyCall *call = MyCall::create(*this, prm.callId);
       // Do your stuff with call:
       // - add to map id->call
       // - answer SIP 180 Ringing / SIP 200 OK
    std::atomic<size_t> _callsCount;
    bool _wantExitFlag;

In constructor of pj::Call derived class I call incrementCallsCount() and in destructor I call decrementCallsCount() like:

class MyCall : public pj::Call
    typedef pj::Call base_class;
    static MyCall *create(MyAccount &account, int callId)
        return new MyCall(account, callId);

    virtual void onCallState(pj::OnCallStateParam& prm)
        pj::CallInfo ci = getInfo();
        if (ci.state == PJSIP_INV_STATE_DISCONNECTED)
            // You may call some onDisconnected() handler function here
            delete this;
    MyCall(MyAccount &account, int callId)
        : base_class(account, callId)
        , _myAccount(account)

    virtual ~MyCall()

    MyAccount &_myAccount;

Note that constructor and destructor declared as private, to ensure that users create calls by static fuction MyCall::create() only! MyCall class takes responsibility for memory management: call deleted only when PJSUA2 tells to delete call (PJSIP_INV_STATE_DISCONNECTED call state).

With this functions and classes in mind, if you just want to exit from application almost immediately, you should:

  • Stop creating MyCall in MyAccount by _myAccount.setWantExit(true). When pj::Call::onIncomingCall() function returns immediately, PJSUA2 hande this by executing hangup() for the call immediately.

  • call Endpoint::instance().hangupAllCalls()

  • wait until MyAccount::getCallsCount() will return 0

  • ensure MyAccount's destructor is called before Enpoint's destructor

  • exit application

  • Thank's with pleasure for answers, I take your principles and try if I return to this project. Mar 17, 2015 at 19:02
  • 1
    Actually, instead just stopping to receive incoming calls in my applications I answer with SIP 302 Moved Temporarily to other instances of SIP-telephony (I have distributed installation). But it is not necessary point of my answer. Good luck!
    – hal
    Mar 17, 2015 at 19:56

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