I have to change a given PDF from A4 (210mm*297mm
) to 216mm*303mm
The additional 6 mm for each dimension should be set as white border of 3mm on each side. The original content of the PDF pages should be centered on the output pages.
I tried with convert
convert in.pdf -bordercolor "#FFFFFF" -border 9 out.pdf
This gives me exactly the needed result but I loose very much sharpness of the original images in the PDF. It is all kind of blurry.
I also checked with
convert in.pdf out.pdf
which does no changes at all but also screws up the images.
So I tried Ghostcript but did not get any result. The best approach I found so far from a German side is:
gs -sOutputFile=out.pdf -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -g6120x8590 \
-c "<</Install{1 1 scale 8.5 8.5}>> setpagedevice" \
-dNOPAUSE -dBATCH in.pdf
but I get Error: /typecheck in --.postinstall--.