More information regarding jdaw1's post:
Gonnet and Baeza-Yates advise growth by a factor of about 2.2; Tokuda by 2.25. It is well known that if there is a mathematical constant between 2⅕ and 2¼ then it must† be precisely √5 ≈ 2.236.
It is known that √5 * √5 is 5 so I think every other index should increase by a factor of five. So first index being 1 insertion sort, second being 3 then each other subsequent is of the factor 5. There follow the values up to 2⁶⁴ ≈ eighteen quintillion.
{1, 3,, 15,, 75,, 375,, 1 875,, 9 375,, 46 875,, 234 375,, 1 171 875,, 5 859 375,, 29 296 875,, 146 484 375,, 732 421 875,, 3 662 109 375,, 18 310 546 875,, 91 552 734 375,, 457 763 671 875,, 2 288 818 359 375,, 11 444 091 796 875,, 57 220 458 984 375,, 286 102 294 921 875,, 1 430 511 474 609 375,, 7 152 557 373 046 875,, 35 762 786 865 234 375,, 178 813 934 326 171 875,, 894 069 671 630 859 375,, 4 470 348 358 154 296 875,}
The values in the gaps can simply be calculated by taking the value before and multiply by √5 rounding to whole numbers giving the resulting array (using 2.2360679775 * 5 ^ n * 3):
{1, 3, 7, 15, 34, 75, 168, 375, 839, 1 875, 4 193, 9 375, 20 963, 46 875, 104 816, 234 375, 524 078, 1 171 875, 2 620 392, 5 859 375, 13 101 961, 29 296 875, 65 509 804, 146 484 375, 327 549 020, 732 421 875, 1 637 745 101, 3 662 109 375, 8 188 725 504, 18 310 546 875, 40 943 627 518, 91 552 734 375, 204 718 137 589, 457 763 671 875, 1 023 590 687 943, 2 288 818 359 375, 5 117 953 439 713, 11 444 091 796 875, 25 589 767 198 563, 57 220 458 984 375, 127 948 835 992 813, 286 102 294 921 875, 639 744 179 964 066, 1 430 511 474 609 375, 3 198 720 899 820 328, 7 152 557 373 046 875, 15 993 604 499 101 639, 35 762 786 865 234 375, 79 968 022 495 508 194, 178 813 934 326 171 875, 399 840 112 477 540 970, 894 069 671 630 859 375, 1 999 200 562 387 704 849, 4 470 348 358 154 296 875, 9 996 002 811 938 524 246}
(Obviously, omit those that would overflow the relevant array index type. So if that is a signed long long, omit the last.)
every following gap size is obtained by multiplying the previous gap size by 2.2
(not perfect of course)