I have collection that contains documents with below schema. I want to filter/find all documents that contain the gender female and aggregate the sum of brainscore. I tried the below statement and it shows a invalid pipeline error.

db['!all'].aggregate({ $and: [ {'GENDER' :  'F'} , {'DOB' : { $gte : 19400801, $lte : 20131231 }} ]  }, { $group : { _id : "$GENDER", totalscore : { $sum : "$BRAINSCORE" } } } )


    "_id" : ObjectId("53f63fc8f2b643f6ebb8a1a9"),
    "DOB" : 19690112,
    "GENDER" : "F",
    "BRAINSCORE" : 65
    "_id" : ObjectId("53f63fc8f2b643f6ebb8a1a2"),
    "DOB" : 19950116,
    "GENDER" : "F",
    "BRAINSCORE" : 44
    "_id" : ObjectId("53f63fc8f2b643f6ebb8a902"),
    "DOB" : 19430216,
    "GENDER" : "M",
    "BRAINSCORE" : 71

4 Answers 4


You have to use $match:

    {'GENDER': 'F',
      { $gte: 19400801,
        $lte: 20131231 } } },
     {_id: "$GENDER",
     totalscore:{ $sum: "$BRAINSCORE"}}}


{ "_id" : "F", "totalscore" : 109 }
  • 3
    what does ['!all'] stand for ? Commented Jun 2, 2016 at 4:28
  • 1
    I just copied that code from the question. '!all' seems to be the collection name but not related to the answer itself Commented Jun 2, 2016 at 15:16
  • 2
    No, I dont think so Commented Jun 2, 2016 at 15:41
  • 13
    [!all] should means NOT ALL and it is a strange way to name a collection ;)
    – c24b
    Commented Apr 11, 2017 at 15:34
  • 1
    If you want to aggregate using a user's id, (which is a mongoose objectID), you need to cast your query id (which is of type string) to mongoose objectID. Thus: const userId = mongoose.Types.ObjectId(user_id). Else, $match it will return an empty array.
    – Austin
    Commented Oct 11, 2021 at 12:31

Sample working query :

    {'userId': {'$in' : ['user-900', 'user-1546']},
    'criteria.operator': 'greater than', 'criteria.thresold' : '90', 'category' : 'capacity'}
{"$group" :  {_id : {userId:"$userId"}, "count" : { "$sum" : 1} } }

Here is an answer if the DOB numbers needs to be converted to Date then compared. If not, a number or Date such as 1970 will be incorrectly $gte to 19400801 (you can try):

        $addFields: {
            "_temp_DOB": {
                $dateFromString: {
                    dateString: {$toString: {$toLong: "$DOB"}},
                    format: "%Y%m%d"
        $match: {
            'GENDER': 'F', 
            '_temp_DOB': { $gte: new Date("1940-08-01"),  
                           $lte: new Date("2013-12-31") }
        $group: {
            _id: "$GENDER", 
            totalscore: { $sum: "$BRAINSCORE" }


{ "_id" : "F", "totalscore" : 109 }

In addition to Enrique's answer,

If you want to aggregate using a user's id, (which is a mongoose objectID), you need to cast your query id (which is of type string) to mongoose objectID. Thus:

const userId = mongoose.Types.ObjectId(user_id). 

Else, $match it will return an empty array.

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