I would like to download Picasa album and photos using a program.
What should I do?

  • Can you please elaborate. Your question is a little vague. Are you trying to write a program for this? Are you looking a program that does this?
    – Alan
    Mar 30, 2010 at 8:20
  • yes i am trying to write a program in java. I want to download all images for a specified album and save it to my local disk. I need a downloadable link for this. The general picassa album url will give me html in response. I need a downloadable link which should return image bytes.
    – lalit
    Mar 30, 2010 at 15:06

1 Answer 1


Have a look to Picasa Web Albums Data API.
There are many clients available in different languages such:

  1. Java
  2. .NET
  3. PHP
  4. Python
  5. Objective-C

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