I have been writing a c++ program in Ubuntu and window8 using armadillo. Under Windows8 the program compiles without problems.
The program is just using the linear systems solver.
Under Ubuntu the compiler says
"reference to `wrapper_dgels_' not defined"
The compiler line I use is:
mpic++ -O2 -std=c++11 -Wall -fexceptions -O2 -larmadillo -llapack -lblas program.o
However, right before the error I see:
g++ module_of_the_error.o
Which is something I haven't set.
I am using code blocks in Ubuntu, and I compiled armadillo with all the libraries that cmake asked. (BLAS< LAPACK, OpenBLAS, HDF5, ARPACK, etc)
I have no clue what might be causing the problem, since the exact same code compiles in visual studio.I have tried the compiler line modifications suggested but it does not seem to work.
Any help is appreciated.