I have a job that is scheduled to run every 30 seconds with a Quartz Crontrigger. The schedule is thus "0/30 * * ? * MON-FRI". It has no problem running.

However, I want to pause the job for one minute. So I call scheduler.PauseAll();, which is supposed to pause all triggers in the scheduler. I then have the thread sleep for one minute and then call scheduler.ResumeAll();. So my code looks something like this:


The trigger pauses for the appropriate time, but when it resumes, the job will run twice. I have the jobs set with the misfire handling .WithMisfireHandlingInstructionDoNothing(), so I don't understand why the job executes twice in this case. I read this question, but the OP there paused the job instead of the triggers, so I didn't find it helpful.


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