What I would like to achieve is for the Protractor tests to extract data from a separate data file (e.g CSV, JSON, etc) so that I could change the data without having to touch the test script code.
Is this possible with Protractor?
You can use browser.params
to read custom test data.
To read from a JSON file simply add params
to your config file
exports.config = {
params: require('./your-params-file.json'),
NodeJS will automatically convert the JSON file to a Javascript object that is easily accessible from any of your tests through browser.params.whateverYourJSONHas
If you really need to use CSV then try some parser like csvtojson or google / open another question about "NodeJS convert CSV file to array of POJOs"
browser.params = require('../data.json');
as I felt this will give me the flexibility of having different files associated to different spec files rather than storing everything in one file and reading that the whole of that particular file. Is there by any chance a better approach to this?
Aug 28, 2014 at 10:50
I'm not sure if you were able to figure this out or not. however, I was able to accomplish just this.
Here's what your json might look like:
"someId": "signInInput",
"sendSomeKeys": "[email protected]"
"someId": "passwordInput",
"sendSomeKeys": "password"
And here's how to implement it in your test:
'use strict';
var testData = require('./path/to/json.json');
describe('your test', function() {
testData.forEach( function (data) {
it('should read from an external json', function(){
You may simply iterate using javascript "map" function without any loops:
var testParams = testConfig.testArray;
testParams.map(function(testSpec) {
it('write your test here', function() {
//test code here