I'm trying to make a simple application in Eclipse, using java, that could upload a file from my computer to Dropbox but when I try to do that, I'm having the problem that Eclipse can't find the package com.dropbox.client2 even though I downloaded the Dropbox Java SDK packages and imported them.

I need some help, thank you in advance.

Later edit: I figured it out. First time I downloaded dropbox-java-sdk-1.7.6.jar, and the problem was still there, but then I downloaded dropbox-client-1.5.3.jar and the problem was solved.

1 Answer 1


Have you told eclipse to use the jar?

From your Eclipse workspace, right click your project on the left pane -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> Add Jars -> add your jars here.

  • Yes, I did this but the problem is still there. Aug 31, 2014 at 16:20
  • I haven't used Eclipse in a long time, but I know with IntelliJ, it sometimes just needs a restart/remove library and re-add it Aug 31, 2014 at 16:41

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