Looking at the source code, it seems the only "reason" is that OrderedDict is written in Python, while defaultdict is in C. But it seems this is changing as Python 3.5 should have a cOrderedDict (see Python Bugs), which highlights how bad my only explanation actually is.

Can anyone provide a better explanation? I hope there is a better reason.

Edit: The alleged duplicate answer is OK for Python 2.7, not for Python 3 where the class/type distinction is gone. OrderedDict and defaultdict are both considered classes by the interpreter itself:

>>> collections.defaultdict
<class 'collections.defaultdict'> 
>>> collections.OrderedDict
<class 'collections.OrderedDict'>
  • 1
    "Now that classes and types are supposed to be unified, the difference between CamelCase for Python classes and lowercase for C types is frustratingly awkward." - user2357112, from a comment in the marked duplicate. Aug 31, 2014 at 23:19
  • Addressing your "this is changing" point: that's not how python 3 does c implementations. For example py3, you do import pickle and this delegates to import _pickle - the c implementation - if available.
    – roippi
    Aug 31, 2014 at 23:20
  • Thanks, @roippi, I was referring to the patches in <bugs.python.org/issue16991> which are called cOrderedDict. The fact that both the C and the Python versions will be imported through the same name is irrelevant. The naming conventions for defaultdict and OrderedDict still do won't match. Aug 31, 2014 at 23:39

1 Answer 1


Based on what I can find on the python-dev archives, this is just a case of the devs not following their own guidelines.

Guido actually suggested renaming defaultdict to DefaultDict to fix this inconsistency during the discussion of the PEP that introduced OrderedDict:

Anyway, it seems the collections module in particular is already internally inconsistent -- NamedTuple vs. defaultdict. In a sense defaultdict is the odd one out here, since these are things you import from some module, they're not built-in. Maybe it should be renamed to NamedDict?

Note that NamedDict is a typo, he meant DefaultDict:

> I suppose you mean "DefaultDict".

Yes, I've been distracted. :-(

I'm not sure why this change (and similar changes for other modules, eg socket.socket, datetime.datetime) was never made, since Guido supported doing it.

Ironically, it was Guido (or maybe Alex Martelli) who came up with the name defaultdict, despite the fact that they were basing it on an internal class Google was using called DefaultDict:

Google has an internal data type called a DefaultDict which gets passed a default value upon construction. Its __getitem__ method, instead of raising KeyError, inserts a shallow copy (!) of the given default value into the dict when the value is not found.


Over lunch with Alex Martelli, he proposed that a subclass of dict with this behavior (but implemented in C) would be a good addition to the language. It looks like it wouldn't be hard to implement. It could be a builtin named defaultdict. The first, required, argument to the constructor should be the default value. Remaining arguments (even keyword args) are passed unchanged to the dict constructor.

Discussion quickly moved from defaultdict being a built-in to it being part of the collections module, but the all-lowercase name stuck. This discussion took place back in 2006, so PEP 8 had been around for many years by then. Not sure why it never occurred to anyone that it should be named DefaultDict at the time.

  • I'm pretty sure the Google internal type was implemented in Python, so it would use the Python naming convention. Aug 31, 2014 at 23:41
  • 8
    @user2357112 In the same thread where OrderedDict was being discussed, Guido said this in response to similar suggestion (that classes implemented in C should be named in all lowercase): "Then they're all wrong. In 3.0 we're moving away from this, e.g. cPickle is gone, so is cStringIO. The implementation language should not shine through. *Maybe* the "built-in status" should guide the capitalization, so only built-in types are lowercase (str, int, dict etc.)."
    – dano
    Aug 31, 2014 at 23:47

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