I am trying to return a certain set of values however the query is not quite returning what I would like. I would like to return records by the author "Hennie J. Steenhagen" grouped by year. However what it is returning is records grouped by year if it’s of the same year as one of Hennies records. Not only Hennies.
For example, if we have the record <www><author>Hennie*</author><year>1990</year></www>
and <www><author>Derpie</author><year>1990></year></www>
the query will return both records grouped in the year 1990, I would only like Hennies to be returned.
for $y in /*/*/year where $y/../author ="Hennie J. Steenhagen" return <year-Pub>{$y}{/*/*[year = $y]}</year-Pub>