I'm trying to fix this weird nested HTML I get from using contentEditable

<span lang="">
   <p>line one</p>
   <p>line two</p>

I want to replace each of these span nodes with its children

<p>line one</p>
<p>line two</p>

Here's what I tried.

var spans = doc.DocumentNode.Descendants().Where(x => x.Name == "span" && x.Attributes["lang"] != null).ToList();
foreach (var span in spans)
    foreach (var child in span.ChildNodes)
        var ch = doc.CreateElement(child.Name);
        ch.InnerHtml = child.InnerHtml;
        doc.DocumentNode.InsertBefore(ch, span);

This throws a System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException with the following message.

Node "<span lang=""></span>" was not found in the collection

I understand why this is happening. Editing the document voids my collection of span elements. So how do go about doing this?

Also, how do I cope with text which is not contained in a childnode? Suppose I found this element

<span lang="">
   <p>line one</p>
   <p>line two</p>
   line three

How do I de-nest that?

PLEASE NOTE: This is HtmlAgilityPack for WinRT, so SelectSingleNode and all xpath commands are not available to me

  • What is the expected output?
    – Kuzgun
    Sep 8, 2014 at 14:15
  • to move the childnodes up one level and remove the span element
    – roryok
    Sep 8, 2014 at 14:40
  • Maybe you can try deleting those spans with regex before loading document to htmlagilitypack.
    – Kuzgun
    Sep 8, 2014 at 14:45

1 Answer 1


As for your issue the fix should be to invoke InsertBefore from the parent node, not the document root.

Moreover I think you can directly "move" nodes without creating new ones:

foreach (var span in spans)
    foreach (var child in span.ChildNodes)
        span.ParentNode.InsertBefore(child, span);

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