
My goals is to have a list of lists, where each item in the outer list contains a word in it's first index, and the number of times it has come across it in the second index. As an example, it should look like this:


The only issue is that when I try to, for instance, access the word "test1" from the first inner-list, I get an index out of range error. Here is my code for how I am attempting to do this:

stemmedList = [[]]

f = open(a_document_name, 'r')

#read each line of file
fileLines = f.readlines()
for fileLine in fileLines:
    #here we end up with stopList, a list of words
    thisReview = Hw1.read_line(fileLine)['text']
    tokenList = Hw1.tokenize(thisReview)
    stopList = Hw1.stopword(tokenList)

    #for each word in stoplist, compare to all terms in return list to
    #see if it exists, if it does add one to its second parameter, else
    #add it to the list as ["word", 0]
    for word in stopList:
        #if list not empty
        if not len(unStemmedList) == 1:   #for some reason I have to do this to see if list is empty, I'm assuming when it's empty it returns a length of 1 since I'm initializing it as a list of lists??
            print "List not empty."
            for innerList in unStemmedList:
                if innerList[0] == word:
                    print "Adding 1 to [" + word + ", " + str(innerList[1]) + "]"
                    innerList[1] = (innerList[1] + 1)
                    print "Adding [" + word + ", 0]"
                    unStemmedList.append([word, 0])
            print "List empty."
            unStemmedList.append([word, 0])
            print unStemmedList[len(unStemmedList)-1]

return stemmedList

The final output ends up being:

List is empty. ["test1",0] List not empty"

Crash with list index out of range error which points to the line if innerList[0] == word

  • 1
    why not use a Counter? This is exactly what its for.
    – cmd
    Sep 9, 2014 at 21:52
  • Your else: print "List empty." statement is inside the loop. Did you mean for that line to be called there?
    – Celeo
    Sep 9, 2014 at 21:54

3 Answers 3


You have a = [[]]

Now, when you are appending to this list after encountering first word, you have

a = [ [], ['test', 0] ]

In the next iteration you are accessing the 0th element of an empty list which doesn't exist.


Assuming that stemmedList and unStemmedList are similar

stemmedList = [[]]

you have an empty list in your list of lists, it has no [0]. Instead just initialize it to:

stemmedList = []

Isn't this simpler?

counts = dict()
def plus1(key):
    if key in counts:
        counts[key] += 1
        counts[key] = 1

stoplist = "t1 t2 t1 t3 t1 t1 t2".split()
for word in stoplist:

{'t2': 2, 't3': 1, 't1': 4}

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