Would it be possible to build a Docker app on Android? I noticed there aren't any right now, but the kernel is based on the Linux kernel, after all. If there's a way to do this without rooting, all the better!
Some reasons I could see for not being able to do this are that while Android is based on the Linux kernel, it's likely highly modified, and that Android is usually based on ARM, not x86 like most desktops & laptops currently running Docker. I don't know if Docker needs to be on x86/amd64, but I can't imagine it helps. Also, the Boot2Docker VM created on Windows & Macs, because they're not Linux and so can't natively handle Docker, is based on TinyCore Linux, yet it takes up 20GB, more than any but the latest, biggest Androids. I imagine there's a reason for this huge size. Nevertheless, perhaps if necessary someone could port this distro to Android.
Is there anything else I'm missing? Is it inherently possible to create a Docker app for Android (or, for that matter, iOS or Windows Phone)? If not, why not? If so, does anyone know of any progress?