Edit: Documented by Apple although I couldn't actually get it to work: WKWebView Behavior with Keyboard Displays: "In iOS 10, WKWebView objects match Safari’s native behavior by updating their window.innerHeight property when the keyboard is shown, and do not call resize events" (perhaps can use focus or focus plus delay to detect keyboard instead of using resize).
Edit: code presumes onscreen keyboard, not external keyboard. Leaving it because info may be useful to others that only care about onscreen keyboards. Use http://jsbin.com/AbimiQup/4 to view page params.
We test to see if the document.activeElement
is an element which shows the keyboard (input type=text, textarea, etc).
The following code fudges things for our purposes (although not generally correct).
function getViewport() {
if (window.visualViewport && /Android/.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
// https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2017/09/visual-viewport-api Note on desktop Chrome the viewport subtracts scrollbar widths so is not same as window.innerWidth/innerHeight
return {
left: visualViewport.pageLeft,
top: visualViewport.pageTop,
width: visualViewport.width,
height: visualViewport.height
var viewport = {
left: window.pageXOffset, // http://www.quirksmode.org/mobile/tableViewport.html
top: window.pageYOffset,
width: window.innerWidth || documentElement.clientWidth,
height: window.innerHeight || documentElement.clientHeight
if (/iPod|iPhone|iPad/.test(navigator.platform) && isInput(document.activeElement)) { // iOS *lies* about viewport size when keyboard is visible. See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2593139/ipad-web-app-detect-virtual-keyboard-using-javascript-in-safari Input focus/blur can indicate, also scrollTop:
return {
left: viewport.left,
top: viewport.top,
width: viewport.width,
height: viewport.height * (viewport.height > viewport.width ? 0.66 : 0.45) // Fudge factor to allow for keyboard on iPad
return viewport;
function isInput(el) {
var tagName = el && el.tagName && el.tagName.toLowerCase();
return (tagName == 'input' && el.type != 'button' && el.type != 'radio' && el.type != 'checkbox') || (tagName == 'textarea');
The above code is only approximate: It is wrong for split keyboard, undocked keyboard, physical keyboard. As per comment at top, you may be able to do a better job than the given code on Safari (since iOS8?) or WKWebView (since iOS10) using window.innerHeight
I have found failures under other circumstances: e.g. give focus to input then go to home screen then come back to page; iPad shouldnt make viewport smaller; old IE browsers won't work, Opera didnt work because Opera kept focus on element after keyboard closed.
However the tagged answer (changing scrolltop to measure height) has nasty UI side effects if viewport zoomable (or force-zoom enabled in preferences). I don't use the other suggested solution (changing scrolltop) because on iOS, when viewport is zoomable and scrolling to focused input, there are buggy interactions between scrolling & zoom & focus (that can leave a just focused input outside of viewport - not visible).