I wanted to know is there a way to use SpEL in order to filter out values like empty collections.

My cache currently filters out null values:

  @Cacheable(value = "groupIdToGroupNames",unless = "#result == null")
   public Map<Long, Collection<String>> findAllBySearchCustomerKey(final long groupId) {
    return idToNameClient.findAllGroupMembersById(groupId);

I'm trying to find a way to filter out the groups that are of size 0 but not null. Is there a way of doing that by using params for @Cacheable?

Any help would be much appreciated.


4 Answers 4


Something like this

unless = "#result==null or #result.size()==0"

More about result and or.

  • I just added it. Newbe to SpEL:) Thanks! Commented Sep 22, 2014 at 15:43

unless = "#result==null or #result.isEmpty()" works for me.

  • This does not seem to add anything new over the accepted 5 year old answer. It will probably be deleted by reviewers. If you think your answer makes a significant difference, you may want to add an explanation on how this is better than the existing answers.
    – nvoigt
    Commented Feb 15, 2019 at 10:40
  • 3
    probably this was more readable to me instead of #result.size()==0. Also agree with @nvoigt that we should add explanation over any answer.
    – SUMIT
    Commented May 22, 2019 at 18:25
  • adds plenty! a method isEmpty may end up doing something more than a simple check, and is worth it for readability as well
    – Brad Parks
    Commented Oct 23, 2020 at 11:40

Just to show an example (Artem Bilan answer is the valid one). My function can return Optional.ofEmpty or Optional of my object

@Cacheable(value = "myCache", unless = "#result == null", key = "@myDao.cacheKey(#id, #languageCode)")
public Optional<MyDTO> getMyStuff(int id, String languageCode) {
... }

This worked for me

@Cacheable(cacheNames = "recordCache", key = "#list", unless="#result == null or #result.size() == 0")

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