I have a MVC 5 website that displays log file entries in a grid and provides a search capability. I have both the search criteria and the grid.mvc grid on the Index page. When the user enters the search criteria and clicks the submit button I want the ProcessLogEntries method (below) to update the Model and refresh the Index.cshtml page - not navigate to a non-existent ProcessLogEntries page!

Basically, I want this application to behave like an Single Page Application...

How do I set up the HomeController.ProcessLogEntries() method to accomplish this?

public class HomeController : Controller
    public LogsResearchViewModel ViewModel  { get; set; }

    public HomeController()
        ViewModel = new LogsResearchViewModel();

    public ActionResult Index()
        ViewBag.Message = "";
        return View(ViewModel);

    public ActionResult ProcessLogEntries(string txtSearchFor, string txtDateStart, string txtDateStop, string txtSource)
        ViewBag.Message = "";

        string searchFor = txtSearchFor.ToString();
        DateTime start = DateTime.Parse(txtDateStart.ToString());
        DateTime stop = DateTime.Parse(txtDateStop.ToString());
        string source = txtSource.ToString();

        ViewModel.GetProcessLogEntries(searchFor, start, stop);
        ViewModel.GetErrorLogEntries(source, searchFor, start, stop);

        return View(ViewModel);
  • 2
    You will need AJAX triggered by your button instead of a form submission. Then return a partial view from your ProcessLogEntries action. Here is an example with partial views.
    – Jasen
    Sep 24, 2014 at 18:13
  • You could also return json from your ProcessLogEntries action and consume that object in javascript if you don't need a much of a view response.
    – Jasen
    Sep 24, 2014 at 18:17
  • Jasen, How would I update the Model using AJAX/JSON? I'm going to your referenced link; hopefully, I'll find the answer there... :-)
    – MilesT
    Sep 24, 2014 at 18:26
  • I hope that I made it clear that I need the LogsResearchViewModel ViewModel to be updated (which I can pass values into the Controller to do so); to refresh the View UI's datagrid. I just don't want to change pages after doing so... IDK how to update the ViewModel via AJAX, so IDK how to make that approach work.
    – MilesT
    Sep 24, 2014 at 18:36

2 Answers 2


If you want to update a page without reloading you'll need AJAX. Here's an outline to get started.

Partial View

Create a main view that will act as a "frame". An empty div will act as your placeholder for your grid.

<h2>Main View</h2>
<div id="grid"><!-- grid paceholder --></div>

    // ajax script here

Now create a partial view to hold your grid


@model LogsResearchViewModel

<button id="btnTrigger">Process</button>

If you want you can embed this so the first time Main view loads you will have a populated grid.

<h2>Main View</h2>
<div id="grid">@{Html.RenderAction("LoadGrid")}</div>

With the supporting action

public ActionResult LoadGrid()
    var model = new LogsResearchViewModel() { ... };
    return PartialView("_GridPartial", model);

Now setup the AJAX to insert into the placeholder.

    $("#grid").on("click", "#btnTrigger", function(e) {
            url: "/ProcessLogEntries",
            type: "post",
            data: {
                txtSearchFor: "// txtSearch.val()",
                txtDateStart: "",
                txtDateStop: "",
                txtSource: ""
        .done(function(result) {

And the action returns a partial view

public ActionResult ProcessLogEntries(
    string txtSearchFor, string txtDateStart,
    string txtDateStop, string txtSource)
    var model = new LogsResearchViewModel();
    // ...
    return PartialView("_GridPartial", model);

After triggering the post the partial result replaces the grid div content.


If your grid supports JSON just return the model

 public ActionResult ProcessLogEntries(...)
     var model = new LogsResearchViewModel();
     // ...
     return Json(model);

Then handle in javascript

.done(function(jsonResult) {
    console.log(jsonResult);  // should match LogsResearchViewModel
    loadGrid(jsonResult);     // pass off to grid's javascript
  • 1
    Nice and simple 'tutorial' man. I just completed my partialview, but was missing a few pieces that I did find in this 'tutorial'. Thanks =)
    – Paramone
    Aug 17, 2017 at 10:52

You will need to return your model. You can keep your view and extract via javascript the model from the view, or you can have a JsonResult and return only the serialized string.

From javascript side, trigger this from a button or the event of your wish.

var params = ["data","data", "data"];

  type: "POST",
  url: /ProcessLogEntries,
  data: params,
  success: function(data, statusRespoonse, xhr){
   //extract your model from data or return your model via jsonresult by changing the Controller's return type.

    yourModel = data;
  dataType: "json"

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