To check if ipython and the modules it uses match, run pip check ipython
For my configuration with ipython 7.25 in July 2021, this gave a good clear warning:
ipykernel 6.0.1 has requirement importlib-metadata<4; python_version < "3.8.0", but you have importlib-metadata 4.6.0.
You may of course see different warnings --
this is just an example, unrelated to tab completion.
Then to downgrade it, e.g.
pip install 'importlib-metadata<4'
# don't forget the 'quotes'
Successfully uninstalled importlib-metadata-4.6.0
Successfully installed importlib-metadata-3.10.1
Also useful:
pip list
-- everything in your $PYTHONPATH, with version and location
pip check
-- everything
pip show ipython
Requires: traitlets, pygments, jedi, decorator, pickleshare, pexpect, appnope, matplotlib-inline, setuptools, prompt-toolkit, backcall
but to see the required versions you have to look at
upgrade from 0.17 to 0.18 is buggy and disables IPython tab completion. See the answer from Dec 2020 below.