Opening the apk archive, I noticed that no js file was minified, and .map files were big.
In my case (I am using TypeScript) map files are only for debug to map js source code to ts source code.
I've installed cordova-minify
npm install cordova-minify --save-dev
I tweaked the hook a little bit to go into the correct folder, disabled the css minifier which messing all up, and delete any map file.
My hook path :
I've also used only one splash screen file (the one for xxxhdpi) not cropped (nor for portrait neither for landscape), following the ionic recommendation
The source image’s minimum dimensions should be 2208x2208 px, and its
artwork should be centered within the square, knowing that each
generated image will be center cropped into landscape and portrait
images. The splash screen’s artwork should roughly fit within a center
square (1200x1200 px).
only one line in config.xml:
<splash src="resources/splash.png" density="xxxhdpi"/>
With all this, I've reduce the size of the apk from 4.8M to 2.5M without losing any features (splash screen).
cordova build android --release
directory if you do want a splash Image to be shown. I reduced my App size from 2MB to 800KB, almost 50% reduction.