I have a web interface with two buttons:

<Panel header="Green Square">
    <Button bsStyle="info" onClick={this.handleGreenSquareOn}><Glyphicon glyph="ok-circle"/> On</Button>
    <Button bsStyle="info" onClick={this.handleGreenSquareOff}><Glyphicon glyph="remove-circle"/> Off</Button>

and some handling code:

handleGreenSquareOn: function() { return this.handleGreenSquare(true); },
handleGreenSquareOff: function() { return this.handleGreenSquare(false); },
handleGreenSuqare: function(value) {
  // do stuff

What's the best way to eliminate the handleGreenSquareOn and handleGreenSquareOff functions?

Is there a way of setting an argument for an onClick callback in the JSX code?

3 Answers 3


You can just pass an argument to handleGreenSquare like this: onClick={this.handleGreenSquare.bind(this, true)}

Here is a jsfiddle to play with: http://jsfiddle.net/nilgundag/wsdr48ro/

/** @jsx React.DOM */

var Hello = React.createClass({
        handleGreenSquare: function(value) {
    render: function() {
        return <ReactBootstrap.Navbar brand="Whoops">
               <ReactBootstrap.Panel header="Green Square">
            <ReactBootstrap.Button bsStyle="info" onClick={this.handleGreenSquare.bind(this, true)}><ReactBootstrap.Glyphicon glyph="ok-circle"/> On</ReactBootstrap.Button>
            <ReactBootstrap.Button bsStyle="info" onClick={this.handleGreenSquare.bind(this, false)}><ReactBootstrap.Glyphicon glyph="remove-circle"/> Off</ReactBootstrap.Button>


React.renderComponent(<Hello />, document.body);
  • I had forgotten that bind could be used for more than just setting this. Excellent answer, thanks.
    – fadedbee
    Oct 8, 2014 at 12:54
  • This works great, but I recently moved to using a handler generator instead of binding because binding, IMO, looks a bit ugly in the onClick={}. So for example you make a function called handleClickGenerator which takes an argument of foo and returns a handler function like return function(e) {...}. Then in your JSX just do `onClick={this.handleClickGenerator('bar')} and you can access the var inside the handler function and perform logic, or whatever. Oct 8, 2014 at 22:45
  • @Mike that would create a new handler function on each click event wich seems inefficient. Why not re-use one handler and do the logic inside the handler function instead? Oct 9, 2014 at 9:32
  • @David we're talking about extremely negligible inefficiency for substantially increased code readability in my opinion. Also, .bind() isn't free either. Oct 9, 2014 at 16:16
  • @Mike I agree that .bind() is practically the same. I prefer to keep DOM event handlers consistent in all components, because then I don’t have to look around to know how it works. It’s essentially a design decision, as you say. Oct 10, 2014 at 9:46

Modifying the handler’s arguments will also remove the event object (unless you pass it manually). I would keep the handlers intact for consistency, but that’s a design choice.

Another options is to add a data attribute and check it inside the handler:

handleGreenSquare: function(e) {
  var value = e.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-value') == 'on';


<Button data-value="on" key="on" bsStyle="info" onClick={this.handleGreenSquare}><Glyphicon glyph="ok-circle"/> On</Button>
<Button data-value="off" key="off" bsStyle="info" onClick={this.handleGreenSquare}><Glyphicon glyph="remove-circle"/> Off</Button>

The callbacks on events will provide the data-reactid as a second variable

So if you alter your function like so:

handleGreenSuqare: function(value, reactId) {
  // do stuff with reactId

you can parse the reactId which are the component keys concatenated by dots.

If you give your button a key attribute like so:

<Panel header="Green Square">
    <Button key="on" bsStyle="info" onClick={this.handleGreenSquareOn}><Glyphicon glyph="ok-circle"/> On</Button>
    <Button key="off" bsStyle="info" onClick={this.handleGreenSquareOff}><Glyphicon glyph="remove-circle"/> Off</Button>

your reactId variable will somewhat look like this for the off button:


inlining the function might be more more expressive, depending on what you are trying to do.

<Panel header="Green Square">
    <Button bsStyle="info" onClick={function() {return this.handleGreenSquare(true);}}><Glyphicon glyph="ok-circle"/> On</Button>
    <Button bsStyle="info" onClick={function() {return this.handleGreenSquare(false);}}><Glyphicon glyph="remove-circle"/> Off</Button>

If you use the es6 harmony features of the jsx compiler, this looks nice and expressive:

<Panel header="Green Square">
    <Button key="on" bsStyle="info" onClick={() => this.handleGreenSquare(true)}><Glyphicon glyph="ok-circle"/> On</Button>
    <Button key="off" bsStyle="info" onClick={() => this.handleGreenSquare(false)}><Glyphicon glyph="remove-circle"/> Off</Button>
  • Cool, but I wouldn't actually recommend this, and reactid may be going away very soon.
    – Brigand
    Oct 8, 2014 at 18:52
  • I fully agree, using a function with .bind or inlining is much better, should have made more clear that it is probably not a smart idea.
    – Retozi
    Oct 8, 2014 at 20:45

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