
So I'm trying to get the ID of the photo that a button is attached to (underneath) but am having some trouble.

I'm dynamically inserting using JavaScript innerHTML and it all works fine: Here's my code for creating the images as well as buttons and descriptions etc.

for (var i = 0; i < photos.length; i++) {

        htmlStr += '<div class="images"> <figure> <a href="' + photos[i].largeURL +
            '" data-lightbox="watches" data-title=' + photos[i].description + '><img src=' + photos[i].thumbnail + ' ' +
            'alt=”Photo” width=150 height=150></a><figcaption>' + photos[i].description
            + "<br> total likes " + photos[i].likes + "<div id='btnDelete'><input type='button' onclick ='unlikePhoto(photos.id)'value='Like' id='btnDeleteID'></div>" + ' </figcaption></figure></div>'



<div class="imagesArea" id="imageArea">
<div class="images">

    <div class="images">


What I'm having trouble figuring out is for each image dynamically inserted, how can I make the button press grab the id that is defined when creating the image dynamically? or even description etc.\

edit: Image: enter image description here

  • 2
    You picture doesn't really help, what DOM does that code produce? Commented Oct 12, 2014 at 12:31
  • 1
    is your button also created dynamically?
    – Meer
    Commented Oct 12, 2014 at 12:32
  • 1
    You are not giving an id to the image in your loop :) Commented Oct 12, 2014 at 12:43
  • 1
    you can use $('#myDynButton_1').on('click',function(){$(this).parents('div').child('img').attr('id')};
    – Meer
    Commented Oct 12, 2014 at 12:45
  • 1
    @Meer Where are you seeing an ID for the image :D Commented Oct 12, 2014 at 12:47

2 Answers 2


Change you loop to something like this where you assign an ID to each image

for (var i = 0; i < photos.length; i++) {

    htmlStr += '<div class="images"> <figure> <a href="' + photos[i].largeURL +
        '" data-lightbox="watches" data-title=' + photos[i].description + '><img src=' + photos[i].thumbnail + ' ' +
        'alt=”Photo” id=' + photos[i].id + ' width=150 height=150></a><figcaption>' + photos[i].description + "<br> total likes " + photos[i].likes + "<div class='btnDelete'><input type='button' value='Like' class='btnDeleteID'></div>" + ' </figcaption></figure></div>';


Remove onclick (it is bad practise to use it) and make it like this

$(document).on('click', '.btnDeleteID', function() {    
    var photoID = $(this).closest(".images").find("img").attr("id");

If you modify your HTMLString by setting the value as the id or a data- attribute of the image and pass the reference to clicked button using this as follows:

htmlStr += "<div class='images'>"
          + "<figure>"
            + "<a href='" + photos[i].largeURL +"' data-lightbox='watches' data-title='"+ photos[i].description + "'>"
              +"<img id='"+photos[i].id+"' src='" + photos[i].thumbnail + "' alt='Photo' width=150 height=150>"
            +"<figcaption>"+ photos[i].description + "<br> total likes " + photos[i].likes
              + "<div class='btnDelete'><input type='button' onclick ='unlikePhoto(this)' value='Like' class='btnDeleteID'></div>"

You can then use jquery to access the corresponding images id like:

function unlikePhoto(elm){
 var photoId  = $(elm).closest(".images").find("img").attr("id");

Side note: Having multiple elements with same id is invalid so change it to class name

  • He doesn't have an ID attached to the image :) Commented Oct 12, 2014 at 12:43

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