Is there a way through the context menus to refactor a ternary assignment into one that is done with an if-else block?

So, for example you'd have something like this:

$a = ($b > -32)? "up" : "down";

You'd then apply this transformation, and PHPStorm would magically change it into:

if ($b > -32) {
    $a = "up";
} else {
    $a = "down";

Seems like a really common and easily automated operation, so it must be automated somewhere in this labyrinth of menus.

  • 1
    "Seems like a really common and easily automated operation" common? Hmm .. usually doing other way around... In any case: there is an Intention to perform such conversion in both directions. Problem is: batch fixing can only be applied to problematic places (i.e. a place to which specific Inspection is pointing). As we all know -- both ways are actually good code... so I do not see how such intention can be applied in a batch. But sure -- "Code | Inspect code" and see if IDE will pick up anything there (any "fixes" to specific issue will be listed under "light bulb" icons).
    – LazyOne
    Commented Nov 3, 2014 at 19:21
  • I wanted this by use case case was deminifying javascript code that had horrible nested ternery like so video ? video.getPaused() ? video.play() : (video.pause(), d.a.set("pauseCount", d.a.get("pauseCount") + 1)) : (ne(".PlayerControls--button-control-row").children().eq(0).trigger("click"). But I guess this is only because someone else already destroyed the intent of the code.
    – Att Righ
    Commented Aug 1, 2022 at 21:39

2 Answers 2


PHPStorm 8 can do it with Alt-Enter shortcut. Put your cursor at the ? operator and key in Alt+Enter.


As I am using PHPStorm 10 right now when I was trying to turn a simple if and else into a ternary operator I could select my code as I have shown in this little screen shot below:

enter image description here

Then I clicked on that little bulb or you can use alt + return to choose Simplify If and if my code could be simplified with ternary operator then it will become one as I have shown in the screenshot below otherwise the IDE will not show you any output message:

enter image description here

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