Is there a way through the context menus to refactor a ternary assignment into one that is done with an if-else
So, for example you'd have something like this:
$a = ($b > -32)? "up" : "down";
You'd then apply this transformation, and PHPStorm would magically change it into:
if ($b > -32) {
$a = "up";
} else {
$a = "down";
Seems like a really common and easily automated operation, so it must be automated somewhere in this labyrinth of menus.
video ? video.getPaused() ? : (video.pause(), d.a.set("pauseCount", d.a.get("pauseCount") + 1)) : (ne(".PlayerControls--button-control-row").children().eq(0).trigger("click")
. But I guess this is only because someone else already destroyed the intent of the code.