I'm wondering how one would get neo4j to work with Google Compute Engine. Has anybody done this? What problems did you encounter?
2 Answers
Here you go,
Basic Setup
- Install and setup
- Install py2neo
- Create your GCE Instance (https://console.developers.google.com/project/PROJECT_APPID/compute/instancesAdd) using image (debian-7-wheezy-v20141021, Debian GNU/Linux 7.7 (wheezy) amd64 built on 2014-10-21 or ANY)
- SSH your instance
gcloud compute ssh INSTANCE_NAME --zone AVAILABLE_ZONES
--> AVAILABLE_ZONES - Download and Install
in GCE - You may need to install java(Fix) and lsof (Fix:apt-get install lsof
Configuration for GCE
(Optional), Add neo4j https support
Whitelist neo4j port 7474 (More on Networking and Firewalls)
Add security username:password from github
gcloud compute firewall-rules create neo4j --network default --allow tcp:7474
Play around
- Start neo4j server
./bin/neo4j start
- Check your running instances @
Once py2neo
Installed and server started, try some pycode to test it
>> from py2neo.neo4j import GraphDatabaseService, CypherQuery
>> # Set up a link to the local graph database.
>> # When () left blank defaults to http://localhost:7474/db/data/
>> graph = GraphDatabaseService('http://IP_ADDRESS:7474/db/data/')
>> CypherQuery(graph, "CREATE (n {name:'Example'}) RETURN n;").execute()
Above python setup / code, you can use it in GAE as well.
- Check pricing of GCE.
- py2neo Cookbook
- Compute Instances
- gcloud compute
Edit: Appengine + Neo4j
from py2neo import neo4j
GRAPH_DB = neo4j.GraphDatabaseService(
GRAPH_DB = neo4j.GraphDatabaseService(
def _execute(query):
"""Execute all neo4j queries and return list of Record objects.
Returns list of Record objects.
result = neo4j.CypherQuery(GRAPH_DB, query).execute()
# logging.info(result.data)
return result
except neo4j.CypherError as error:
except DeadlineExceededError as dead:
except urlfetch_errors.InternalTransientError as tra_error:
except httplib.HTTPException as exp:
except neo4j.http.SocketError as soc:
Is there a way to run app engine and neo4j in one application locally? What I want to do is fetch app engine datastore entities and create my neo4j graph database using it. I checked app engine documentation where they have specified what all external libraries it supports. Right now, I am running into an issue where my csv stream response is more than 32 MB. Also. can't use Compute Engine. pricing is the issue. I am making too many requests! Commented May 10, 2016 at 10:09
Yes, I am using it with appengine only. I have updated my answer including appengine + neo4j + localhost. Please have a look. Hope that answers your query. Commented May 11, 2016 at 9:26
the easiest and the safest way is to use docker neo4j image
and this is docker docs, to install and deploy on google compute engine