I am using the default Laravel Mail class to send emails.

I am trying to add bcc to myself, but when I add a bcc the email is not send at all.
Here is my code:

        'dateTime'  => $dateTime,
        'items'     => $items
    function($message) use ($toEmail, $toName) {
        $message->from('[email protected]', 'My Company');

        $message->to($toEmail, $toName);
        $message->bcc('[email protected]');

        $message->subject('New order');

3 Answers 3


I have found the problem.
I didn't use the correct parameters for $message->bcc('[email protected]');

I had to write email AND name: $message->bcc('[email protected]', 'My Name');
The same way as I use $message->to($toEmail, $toName);

  • That was helpful, absolutely not obvious that it's not sending without a name.
    – Vedmant
    Sep 9, 2022 at 17:44

As Ivan Dokov said, you need to pass the email and name to the bcc function. You could also shorten your code by doing this

  function($message) use ($toEmail, $toName) {
        $message->from('[email protected]', 'My Company')
                ->to($toEmail, $toName)
                ->bcc('[email protected]','My bcc Name')
                ->subject('New order');

In my case I solved just adding the 'bcc' after 'to', without name, just with email address.

->send(new YourMailHere);

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