Is there anyway I can send an ipa generated by bots to itunes connect, using testflight api? I know that testflight has an api to upload .ipas but I'm not sure if I can use it with the latest changes on itunes connect and with the integration of testflight on Apple systems.

This is something that I'm currently accomplishing with jenkins + custom distribution channel and a few shell scripts files. I wonder if it is possible to do with = Bots + Triggers + Testflight API + Itunes Connect .

2 Answers 2


We were looking to do the same thing. I pulled this from Apple's documentation.

Does TestFlight Beta Testing offer APIs for build server integration?

    No. We don’t offer APIs for build-server integration.

So as of now... no


found out how . Fastlane this amazing library lets you automate all iOS development process , among its features is the ability to upload to test flight / App Store using scripts that can be plugged on a ci environment.

  • Yes, you can use deliver, which supports TestFlight deployments using the deliver testflight command.
    – KrauseFx
    May 9, 2015 at 21:03

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