I'm trying to convert a "string" which is filled with values from "\x00" to "\xFF" and I would like to know if a special bit is set in a special byte in the string. Therefore I created a small function but it does not work:

 sub isBitSetInCtrMsg
     my $data              = shift;   # value can be: "\xFF"
     my $data_byte_address = shift;   # value can be 0-88
     my $data_bit_address  = shift;   # value can be 0-7

     my @data_array = split('',$data);   #"split string into bytes"

     my $data_byte = $data_array[$data_byte_address];   # pick specific byte

     $is_set = ($data_byte & (1 << $data_bit_address)); # check if bit is set

     return $is_set;                                    # return value

I thought it was quit a simple part of my code but the problem is if $data = 0xFF then everything works fine, but if my data is \xFF my code doesn't work.

Can anyone tell me why and how can I check this in the correct way?

1 Answer 1


Perl is magic when it comes to handling scalars. It decides on the fly how to 'handle' it.

How is the value passed into this subroutine? Because I think that's where your thing might be breaking.


print 0xFF,"\n";
print "\xFF","\n";
print '\xFF',"\n";

In each case, perl's figuring out how to treat the string you've handed it. There's every chance that if you're passing it '\xFF' it's deciding that's 4 separate bytes, which'll be where your problem comes in.

Try adding:

use Data::Dumper;

And in your sub (before assigning):

print Dumper \@_;

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