I have a C program I compile in one of two ways: "regular" and "debug".
When I run the "regular" build, I get an Abort trap: 6
error message, which I need to fix.
When I run the "debug" version within gdb
, I do not get the error message and the program runs to completion.
The compilation options and flags for the "regular" build are:
BLDFLAGS = -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -std=c99
The compilation flags for the "debug" build are:
BLDFLAGS = -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -std=c99
The "regular" and "debug" targets are compiled like so:
regular: setup
$(CC) $(BLDFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(OBJDIR)/$(PROG).o -o $(PROG) -lpthread
debug: setup
$(CC) $(BLDFLAGS) $(CDFLAGS) $(OBJDIR)/$(PROG).o -o $(PROG) -lpthread
Basically, these targets are identically processed, with the exception of the CFLAGS
I could post hundreds of lines of C code, but the debug code is virtually identical to the regular code, with the exception of more verbose comments that get sent to stderr
Is there a component of CDFLAGS
(the "debug" build flags) that is preventing gdb
from being able to stop processing on SIGABRT
(Abort trap: 6