I am in a situation where I need to consume messages from an Oracle AQ into my BizTalk server. A third party will en-queue the messages and the BizTalk server is supposed to de-queue and consume them. I read over the internet and MSDN and all and found out that there is no direct way to consume AQ from BizTalk.

Am I missing something here?

What options do I have if I want to consume the AQ in BizTalk?

I am considering writing stored procedures to do that for me and then i call the stored procedures, or maybe a WCF service that sits in the middle of AQ and BizTalk server. But I just want to know the experts advice here.

2 Answers 2


There is a way to direct consume Oracle AQ from BizTalk, using the third party JMS Adapter for BizTalk from JNBridge. This is however a paid component, but they provide a 30 day trial.


just for anyone with a similar problem in the future, i created two stored procedures in oracle for enqueueing and dequeueing the messages to and from oracle AQ and i called those stored procedures from biztalk.

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