Why do the Write-Host outside of the function work different than inside of the function?

It seems like somehow the parameters variables are changing from what I declared it to be...

function a([string]$svr, [string]$usr) {
    $x = "$svr\$usr"
    Write-Host $x

$svr = 'abc'
$usr = 'def'

Write-Host "$svr\$usr"  # abc\def
a($svr, $usr)           # abc def

1 Answer 1


Don't call functions or cmdlets in PowerShell with parentheses and commas (only do this in method calls)!

When you call a($svr, $usr) you're passing an array with the two values as the single value of the first parameter. It's equivalent to calling it like a -svr $svr,$usr which means the $usr parameter is not specified at all. So now $x equals the string representation of the array (a join with spaces), followed by a backslash, followed by nothing.

Instead call it like this:

a $svr $usr
a -svr $svr -usr $usr
  • 4
    I use Powershell every day, and every now and then I make this exact mistake and spend 10+ minutes pulling my hair out.
    – briantist
    Commented Nov 19, 2014 at 6:56
  • 2
    Oh and I want to point out that using Set-StrictMode will help you catch this mistake.
    – briantist
    Commented Nov 19, 2014 at 6:58

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