You know that in Javascript you can access the length of an text/array with length property:
var obj = ["Robert", "Smith", "John", "Mary", "Susan"];
// obj.length returns 5;
I want to know how this is implemented. Does Javascript calculates the length property when it is called? Or it is just a static property which is changed whenever the array is changed. My question is asked due to the following confusion in best-practices with javascript:
for(var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++)
My Problem: If it is a static property, then accessing the length property in each iteration is nothing to be concerned, but if it is calculated on each iteration, then it cost some memory.
I have read the following definition given by ECMAScript but it doesn't give any clue on how it is implemented. I'm afraid it might give a whole instance of array with the length property calculated in run-time, that if turns out to be true, then the above for()
is dangerous to memory and instead the following should be used:
var count = obj.length;
for(var i = 0; i < count; i++)
for (var i=0; i<obj.length; i++)
for decades with no "danger to memory". Retrieving length in advance and assigning it to a variable likecount
is merely a micro-optimization that saves one property reference each time through the loop.