I want to define a method shared by all members of a discriminated union. Currently I've implemented it like this, but it seems really inelegant- surely there is a better way. Suggestions?

type A = 
   member this.SharedMethod (x:float) : int= ...
type B =
   member this.SharedMethod (x:float) : int= ...
type AB =
| A of A
| B of B

let CallSharedMethod (ab:AB) x =
   match ab with
   | AB.A(a') -> a'.SharedMethod x
   | AB.B(b') -> b'.SharedMethod x
  • You are missing the instance binding, i.e.: this.SharedMethod otherwise it will not work. Also you need to add more information about what does your shared method with the instance of the DU (in fact is a record type), because if it does nothing you can use a regular function. I'm sure is not your case.
    – Gus
    Commented Nov 25, 2014 at 20:33
  • Smells to me like the method should be on the DU. But if not, you can use records to implement an interface.
    – Daniel
    Commented Nov 25, 2014 at 21:02
  • Yes, sorry my code was not exactly syntactically correct. I'm more interested in the pattern- how do I denote the fact that every subtype of the DU share a common method name? I'll edit the code to make it more correct.
    – Robert Sim
    Commented Nov 25, 2014 at 21:03
  • Ok, I can make CallSharedMethod a method of AB. But I still have to do the pattern match. Your other suggestion- making the record an interface seems like the best option. I'll try this.
    – Robert Sim
    Commented Nov 25, 2014 at 21:06
  • 2
    If you want every case of a DU to act the same you're not discriminating. :)
    – Daniel
    Commented Nov 25, 2014 at 21:31

2 Answers 2


What about something like this?

type AB =
    | A of string
    | B of float

    member self.SharedMethod (x : float) =
        match self with
        | A s -> x
        | B f -> f + x

This assumes that you want each variant of your sum type (aka discriminated union) to do something different with the float parameter.

For the case of A, I just return the original value since there's not much else I can do (since there is no generally useful relationship between string and float that yields a float).


In your example, you have augmented the record types A and B each with an instance member. However, you can not only augment record types, you can also augment union types (as shown in @Rodrick's answer). If you do this, the union's augmentation will be "shared" by each DU case, which is what you have asked for. To make this more explicit, I have renamed some parts of your example:

type A = { AData:string }
type B = { BData:float }

type AB =
    | ACase of A
    | BCase of B
    member __.SharedMethod x = 0

let callSharedMethod (ab:AB) x = ab.SharedMethod x

If you look at the compiled code in the object browser (or a decompiler like ILSpy), you will see that AB is compiled as the base class of two subclasses AB.ACase and AB.BCase, and SharedMethod belongs to the base class AB.

See also section 8.5.1 of the F# 3.0 specification: Members in Union Types.

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