I have the the next string:

String = "Name: James, Training, Physician, Hobbies: Sports, Reading, Age: 24".

With the following string to share with just the first ':' found, making the following:

stringsplit1 = "Name";
stringsplit2 = "James, Training, Physician, Hobbies: Sports, Reading, Age: 24";

or in the array. : S

  • 1
    where is your explode() ?
    – Raptor
    Commented Dec 8, 2014 at 4:21
  • you should be able to do this with the 3rd argument of explode() Commented Dec 8, 2014 at 4:22

1 Answer 1



                    ^ ------------> limit [int]

Complete code:

$string = "Name: James, Training, Physician, Hobbies: Sports, Reading, Age: 24";
$ar = explode(":",$string,2);

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