I've looked around but haven't been able to find a working solution to my problem.

I have an array of two strings input and want to test which element of the array contains an exact substring Test.

One thing I have tried (among numerous other attempts):

input = ["Test's string", "Test string"]
# Alternative input array that it needs to work on:
#  ["Testing string", "some Test string"]
substring = "Test"
if (input[0].match(/\b#{substring}\b/))
  puts "Test 0 "
  # Do something...
elsif (input[1].match(/\b#{substring}\b/))
  puts "Test 1"
  # Do something different...

The desired result is a print of "Test 1". The input can be more complex but overall I am looking for a way to find an exact match of a substring in a longer string. I feel like this should be a rather trivial regex but I haven't been able to come up with the correct pattern. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  • @nhahtdh if you have a better solution I'm open to it. My actual case is more complex then I made it appear to be here. I attempted to simplify it as much as possible.
    – jkeuhlen
    Commented Dec 8, 2014 at 6:55
  • @RustamA.Gasanov Unfortunately that won't work as my case is a little more complex. For example, input[1] can contain more than just the single word Test
    – jkeuhlen
    Commented Dec 8, 2014 at 6:56
  • Then could you provide this complex case? No matter how much words input[1] contains as long as you are looking for exact strings correspondence Commented Dec 8, 2014 at 7:00
  • 1
    Your pattern is correct then and since your code is working, you probably want to ask for codereview Commented Dec 8, 2014 at 7:17
  • 1
    It seems to work in some cases but not in others. I admit, I never executed the code exactly as written. In one of my cases, the input[0] string contains something similar to Test's which will yield a false positive and send me into "Test 0"
    – jkeuhlen
    Commented Dec 8, 2014 at 7:20

3 Answers 3


Following code may be what you are looking for.

input = ["Testing string", "Test string"]
substring = "Test"

if (input[0].match(/[^|\s]#{substring}[\s|$]/)
  puts "Test 0 "
elsif (input[1].match(/[^|\s]#{substring}[\s|$]/)
  puts "Test 1"

The meaning of the pattern /[^|\s]#{substring}[\s|$]/ is

  1. [^|\s] : left side of the substring is begining of string(^) or white space,

  2. {substring} : subsring is matched exactly,

  3. [\s|$] : right side of the substring is white space or end of string($).

  • I changed my question according to the change of your question.
    – Fumu 7
    Commented Dec 8, 2014 at 7:38
  • This didn't exactly solve my problem but it put me on the write track to generating my pattern. Thanks!
    – jkeuhlen
    Commented Dec 8, 2014 at 19:38
  • jkeuhlen, you should learn the way to express what is your problem!
    – Fumu 7
    Commented Dec 9, 2014 at 4:17
  • Yeah I realize that this wasn't very clear. I oversimplified what my actual problem was and I didn't phrase my question correctly at all. Thanks for trying to help!
    – jkeuhlen
    Commented Dec 9, 2014 at 4:20

One way to that is as follows:

input = ["Testing string", "Test"]

"Test #{ input.index { |s| s[/\bTest\b/] } }"
  #=> "Test 1"

input = ["Test", "Testing string"]
"Test #{ input.index { |s| s[/\bTest\b/] } }"
  #=> "Test 0"

\b is the regex denotes a word boundary.

Maybe you want a method to return the index of the first element of input that contains the word? That could be:

def matching_index(input, word)
  input.index { |s| s[/\b#{word}\b/i] }

input = ["Testing string", "Test"]   
matching_index(input, "Test")    #=> 1
matching_index(input, "test")    #=> 1
matching_index(input, "Testing") #=> 0
matching_index(input, "Testy")   #=> nil

Then you could use it like this, for example:

word = 'Test'
puts "The matching element for '#{word}' is at index #{ matching_index(input, word) }"
  #=> The matching element for 'Test' is at index 1

word = "Testing"
puts "The matching element for '#{word}' is '#{ input[matching_index(input, word)] }'"
  #The matching element for 'Testing' is 'Testing string'
  • Sorry I guess my question wasn't quite as clear as I thought. I don't want to ONLY print out "Test 0" or "Test 1" I want to actually do things in each of those cases. I wrote it that way to just simplify my condition.
    – jkeuhlen
    Commented Dec 8, 2014 at 7:00
  • I guess you need to clarify then. "The desired result is a print of "Test 1" seems pretty clear. @AvinashRaj, thanks for the catch. Commented Dec 8, 2014 at 7:03
  • Edited the question some. I had hoped the prints weren't seen as the end goal of my code but I guess I was mistaken!
    – jkeuhlen
    Commented Dec 8, 2014 at 7:05
  • Again, I'm not looking for an index. I need to check for occurrences of a substring within a larger string and then execute code in one or another conditional statement.
    – jkeuhlen
    Commented Dec 8, 2014 at 7:17
  • Yes, but if you have the index i, the element (string) of input containing the word is input[i]. Right? If you just want the string, rather than the index, then input.find { |s| s[/\b#{word}\b/i] } does it. Commented Dec 8, 2014 at 7:23

The problem is with your bounding. In your original question, the word Test will match the first string because the ' is will match the \b word boundary. It's a perfect match and is responding with "Test 0" correctly. You need to determine how you'll terminate your search. If your input contains special characters, I don't think the regex will work properly. /\bTest my $money.*/ will never match because the of the $ in your substring.

What happens if you have multiple matches in your input array? Do you want to do something to all of them or just the first one?

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