I created a one sample app to validate filters for playing video on Chromecast.

When my device connects to Chromecast, it shows that it is connected and I'm able to play a video on Chromecast device. However, If I want to switch another video, I'm able to switch it and video plyaing also works fine.

But In this case, I want to update the UI, weather I'm playing a first video or second video? Is there any specific callback to know the mediaplayer status based on user selection on different videos.

Thanks in Advance!!

1 Answer 1


There is a lot of callbacks/listeners that report various changes that happen on the Cast side, such as OnMetadataUpdatedListener or OnStatusUpdatedListener (on Android sender side, similar ones exist on other platforms); I suggest you read our documentation and look through our sample or reference apps and then come back here with issues that you are running into, if any.

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