I created a database in MySQL Workbench, but I can't find where it is located.
I searched the xampp/mysql folder and found a db.opt folder, but nothing else.
I also checked programdata/mysql and programsX86/mysqlworkbench and found nothing.

  • What is your mysql directory location? Dec 11, 2014 at 6:40

3 Answers 3

  1. Open Workbench
  2. Open the appropriate MySQL connection (the one you used to create the database)
  3. Open the "Management" tab in the Navigator (left pane)
  4. Open "Server Status" under "Management" to view information about your MySQL server
  5. Note the "Data Directory" path on that page

This is where your recently created database lives.

  • ok thanks. I have a bunch of .frm's and .ibd's how do i turn these into a .mdf?
    – Steve N
    Dec 12, 2014 at 21:38
  • Q: You didn't "create the database" by creating an .idb file, did you? You used a tool. Similarly, you'll ALSO use a tool (like MSSQL Data Studio) to migrate your database from mySQL to MSSQL. Look here.
    – paulsm4
    Dec 12, 2014 at 23:26

If you are using windows, you can found your mysql data in below directory. Suppose you have installed your mysql server in Programming files under C directory then your mysql data path should be.

C:\ProgramData\MySQL\mysql server version\data

In above directory you will get all created database folders with files.

  • I just have this folder in that location.. MySQL Installer for Windows There is no data folder in the mysql folder
    – Steve N
    Dec 11, 2014 at 6:48
  • Is there any such type of directory in your C drive? C:\ProgramData\MySQL\mysql server version\data Dec 11, 2014 at 6:51
  • I just have C:\ProgramData\MySQL inside the mysql folder is a folder titled "MySQL Installer for Windows"
    – Steve N
    Dec 11, 2014 at 6:52
  • Okay, do one thing go to mysql installatin directory that should be C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server vertison` here you will find my.ini` file open this file and find the data directory location with name datadir. Dec 11, 2014 at 6:54

You likely didn't satisfy one of the requirements for "workbench" to be installed. Uninstall MySQL, and start the install process over. When you get a prompt something like "all of the requirements for the following programs have NOT been met"...check out what those requirements are. Usually something like a visual studio package. Go get that package, install it. Then start the MySQL install over again.

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