I have a scenario that I have a document inside which I have a sub collection. Now, I want to modify/update one of the sub document from the sub collection. I want to match the parent document and the sub document first before modifying the sub document. I am using mongoose/node.js and MongoDB

Here is my schema:-

var mongoose     = require('mongoose');
var Schema       = mongoose.Schema;

var HostSchema   = new Schema({

    aid         :       String,
    cars        :       [{
                                carid : String,
                                status_code: Number                 

module.exports = mongoose.model('Host', HostSchema);

Here is my code:-

router.route('/xxx/').post(function(req, res) {

        _id : req.body.xid
    }, {
        cars : {
            carid : req.body.yid
    }, function(err, host) {
        if (err) {
        } else {
            // What to do?

I am able to print the whole sub collection but instead I want only one document matched from the sub collection should be printed. My goal is to modify the status_code field in the document of the sub collection

1 Answer 1


My goal is to modify the status_code field in the document of the sub collection

You need to use the $ positional operator to update the sub document that matches the query.


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