In Laravel blade you can do:

{{ $variable or 'default' }}

This will check if a variable is set or not. I get some data from the database, and those variables are always set, so I can not use this method.

I am searching for a shorthand 'blade' function for doing this:

{{ ($variable != '' ? $variable : '') }}

It is hard to use this piece or code for doing this beacuse of, I do not know how to do it with a link or something like this:

<a href="{{ $school->website }}" target="_blank">{{ $school->website }}</a>

I tried:

{{ ($school->website != '' ? '<a href="{{ $school->website }}" target="_blank">{{ $school->website }}</a>' : '') }}

But, it does not work. And, I would like to keep my code as short as possible ;)

Can someone explain it to me?


I do not use a foreach because of, I get a single object (one school) from the database. I passed it from my controller to my view with:

 $school = School::find($id);
 return View::make('school.show')->with('school', $school);

So, I do not want to make an @if($value != ''){} around each $variable (like $school->name).

7 Answers 7


try this:

@if ($value !== '')
    {{ HTML::link($value,'some text') }}
  • Indeed, that is a solution instead of typing <a href=... but, I do not want an if around each line of my code. I prefer a shorthand solution, so my code will be easier to read.
    – Marten
    Dec 15, 2014 at 14:34
  • 1
    @Marten As you told above,your solution would not worked.At least mine works :) But I agree with you about being shorthand Dec 15, 2014 at 14:37
  • @Marten I suggest you to edit your question and tell me how many variables you have in your view.maybe with a foreach() your problem will be solved Dec 15, 2014 at 14:39
  • @Marten You can write the if on one line without a problem @if($value != '') {{ HTML::link($value, 'some text') }} @endif Dec 15, 2014 at 14:43
  • @lukasgeiter, I am going to use your method. And for the values without <a href.. I will use {{ ($value != '' ? $value : '') }}. Thanks!
    – Marten
    Dec 15, 2014 at 14:57

I prefer the @unless directive for readability in this circumstance.

@unless ( empty($school->website) )
    <a href="{{ $school->website }}" target="_blank">{{ $school->website }}</a>

With php 7, you can use null coalescing operator. This is a shorthand for @m0z4rt's answer.

{{ $variable ?? 'default' }}
{{ ($school->website != '' ? '<a href="{{ $school->website }}" target="_blank">{{ $school->website }}</a>' : '') }}

change to

{{ ($school->website != '') ? '<a href="' . $school->website . '" target="_blank">' .  $school->website . '</a>' : '' }}

or the same code

{{ ($school->website != '') ? "<a href='$school->website' target='_blank'>$school->website</a>" : '' }}
{{ isset($variable) ? $variable : 'default' }}

I wonder why nobody talked about $variable->isEmpty() it looks more better than other. Can be used like:

    Do this  
    Do that  

From Laravel 5.4, you can also use the @isset directive.

    {{-- your code --}}


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