Looking at some of the Bokeh examples I see two different patterns.

  1. For running taylor_server.py one proceeds as follows:

    Start bokeh-server and separately invoke python taylor_server.py

  2. For running the stock_app.py, one just does the following:

    Invoke bokeh-server --script stock_app.py

What is the difference? When should one use one interface or the other?

1 Answer 1


Using --script allows you to create a responsive "app" that runs directly in the bokeh-server. This has some advantages, namely better callback handling and less network data transfer. You can also write regulars scripts (or use the ipython notebook) to power responsive pages with widgets, etc. but this will require sending data to and from your process to the bokeh-server and also as of Bokeh 0.7.1 the only mechanism to trigger callbacks is polling. (This will be improved in future releases, however.)

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