I have crateio set up and it's working fine using the PDO class.

I'm, trying to get a set of geopoints into the db using binds.

I have tried foreach but doesn't seem to work, I've tried this - which also doesn't work.

The geopoint column is set to geo_point_array.

$route="[[30.33333, -6.13336],[30.33333, -6.13336]]"; 

$db = new Database; 

$db->Query("insert into geopoints (id, longlat, name) values ('33',?,'pat')"); 

$db->bind(1, $route); 

How do I add this set of cordinates to the db?


2 Answers 2


GeoPoint is not supported as a native type in Crate's PDO driver yet, however you can use an double ARRAY.

From the Crate documentation:

Columns with the geo_point are represented and inserted using a double array in the following format: [lon_value, lat_value]

I also strongly recommend to do parameter substitution for the other values.

use Crate\PDO\PDO;

$route = [[30.33333, -6.13336], [30.33333, -6.13336]];

$db = new PDO('crate:...'); 
$stmt = $db->query("insert into geopoints (id, longlat, name) values (?, ?, ?)"); 

$stmt->bind(1, 33, PDO::PARAM_INT); 
$stmt->bind(2, $route, PDO::PARAM_ARRAY); 
$stmt->bind(3, 'pat', PDO::PARAM_STR); 


PDO::query returns PDOStatement:

$route="[[30.33333, -6.13336],[30.33333, -6.13336]]"; 

//If Dateabase is a sublcass of PDO
//$db = new Database; 
$db = new PDO(...); 

$stmt = $db->query("insert into geopoints (id, longlat, name) values ('33',?,'pat')"); 

$stmt->bind(1, $route, PDO::PARAM_STR); 

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