I'm trying to write a "fuzzy compare" function in Rust.

Here is an example:

fn fuzzy_cmp(a: f64, b: f64, tolerance: f64) -> bool {
    a >= b - tolerance && a <= b + tolerance

I have a problem in transforming it to a generic version. Is there a trait that groups natural and floating point numbers, while allowing to perform arithmetic operations on them? Something like this:

fn fuzzy_cmp<T: Numbers>(a: T, b: T, tolerance: T) -> bool {
    a >= b - tolerance && a <= b + tolerance

I would like to use this function in cases like:

fuzzy_cmp(x, 20u64, 5u64)
fuzzy_cmp(y, 20f64, 5f64)
// ... etc

I've already tried Ord trait, but it doesn't work:

28:23 error: binary operation `-` cannot be applied to type `T`
a >= b - tolerance && a <= b + tolerance

Trait core::num::Num seems to be deprecated, so I'm not even trying to use it.

  • 3
    Note: this seems to be the typical "epsilon" method to compare floating point numbers, however be aware that there is an issue with this method => magnitude variations. An absolute "epsilon" will not work when a and b are of a significantly higher magnitude, because then b - epsilon == b and b + epsilon == b. You will not have the issue for integrals, obviously. For floating points, therefore, you might want to investigate relative epsilons; that is abs(a - b) / max(abs(a), abs(b)) < epsilon, which instead guarantees that a and b are within N% of each other. Commented Dec 18, 2014 at 12:58

1 Answer 1


You do not need to specify that T should be a built-in number type, only that it must support the addition, subtraction and comparison traits required by your formula:

fn fuzzy_cmp<T: Add<T, T> + Sub<T, T> + PartialOrd>(a: T, b: T, tolerance: T) -> bool {
    a >= b - tolerance && a <= b + tolerance
  • I've just came up with a similar solution. T: PartialOrd + Add<T,T> + Sub<T,T> + Copy.
    – antekone
    Commented Dec 18, 2014 at 12:35
  • Indeed, thanks for the correction. I typed too fast and didn't check through the entirety of OP's use case. Above post has been edited.
    – dummydev
    Commented Dec 18, 2014 at 13:10

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