I've inherited a project which contains a lot of Objective-C++ code, and no unit tests. I'm attempting to set up testing, using Xcode 6.1.1 and XCTest. I've started by creating a new Cocoa Touch unit testing bundle with default settings.

When I create a standard XCTest subclass, everything works fine. When I then include an Obj-C++ file, the build stage breaks with various C++-related errors. That's understandable, because the test subclass needs to be compiled as an Obj-C++ class.

When I switch the XCTest subclass from myTests.m to myTests.mm, the build stage breaks again, but this time with

Unexpected '@' in program

There are two additional errors being shown :

Expanded from macro 'XCTAssert'

Expanded from macro '_XCTPrimitiveAssertTrue'

The errors are being caused by the NSString parameter of the XCAssert call - replacing this with a standard C string in the test case doesn't fix the problem.

If I switch the C++ standard library for the test target from libstdc++ to libc++ the @ errors disappear, but then the compilation of the Obj-C++ code in the rest of the project fails.

I don't know enough about Obj-C++ to figure this one out - are there some additional compiler flags I need to set in order to use XCTest successfully?

  • What version of Xcode are you using? I just created a new project in Xcode 6.1.1 and changed an XCTest subclass to use .mm as the file extension. It’s compiling as Objective-C++ just fine. Dec 19, 2014 at 15:28

1 Answer 1


Are you quite sure the error is being caused by the NSString you're passing? You can test that assumption by passing nil, or by putting the string into a variable and passing the variable. The reason I ask is that _XCTPrimitiveAssertTrue contains several @-prefixed keywords, and it seems conceivable that one of those could be tripping things up (though I don't know why).

Also it might be enlightening to see the verbatim compiler invocation and output (or not. I'm not making any promises here).

  • Thanks - I've tried various combinations of passing nil and strings into the XCTAssert call, and they're all failing - the detail in the log is: Unexpected @ in program Expanded from macro XCTAssert Expanded from macro _XCTPrimitiveAssertTrue
    – TimD
    Dec 19, 2014 at 11:12

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