You can use signature generation, In which the private key is used to generate a signature that verifies that your message is authentic.
// Create message and signature on your end
string message = "Here is the license message";
var converter = new ASCIIEncoding();
byte[] plainText = converter.GetBytes(message);
var rsaWrite = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();
var privateParams = rsaWrite.ExportParameters(true);
// Generate the public key / these can be sent to the user.
var publicParams = rsaWrite.ExportParameters(false);
byte[] signature =
rsaWrite.SignData(plainText, new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider());
// Verify from the user's side. Note that only the public parameters
// are needed.
var rsaRead = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();
if (rsaRead.VerifyData(plainText,
new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider(),
Console.WriteLine("NOT verified!");
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