I'm trying to make a list of all png files in a folder that contains other folders. Here's my code.

import os
for fichier in filelist:
    if not(fichier.endswith(".png")):

problem is, that last print shows that some of the subfolders (but not all) escaped the culling...

['aa.png', 'Nouveau dossier - Copie', 'Nouveau dossier - Copie (3)', 'Nouveau dossier - Copie (5)', 'zz.png']

What am I doing wrong ?


2 Answers 2


Summary: Never, ever, ever modify the list that you are iterating over.

Instead, iterate over a copy:

import os
for fichier in filelist[:]: # filelist[:] makes a copy of filelist.
    if not(fichier.endswith(".png")):

Or if you don't like to make unnecessary copies, iterate in reverse (this will only work if you can guarantee that the items in the list are unique; for a file system this is a good assumption):

for fichier in reversed(filelist):
    # do stuff

Note that you can use Python's glob module to simplify this:

import glob

The reason why

When you iterate over a list in Python, behind the scenes Python is actually iterating over the indices of the list. You can see that this is a huge problem whenever you actually remove the items:

l = [1, 2, 2, 3]:
for x in l:
    if x%2 == 0:
    print('x == {}'.format(x))
print('l == {}'.format(l))

You can tell by what is printed here that the second 2 is skipped, and that l has a value of [1, 2, 3]. This is because, whenever the first 2 is reached and removed, the index is 1 (the second element). On the next iteration, the index is 2. At this point, l == [1,2,3], so x == 3. If you run the code, it will probably be more obvious than this explanation.

  • Thank you, this explains why it doesn't work. Should have seen it.
    – imj
    Dec 21, 2014 at 20:11

You shouldn't modify lists while iterating over them. It causes funny stuff to happen.

Best use a list comprehension instead:

filelist= [file for file in os.listdir('images') if file.endswith('.png')]
  • the same concept can be applied to the initial approach, just replace the remove-step. However, this is more pythonic
    – keyser
    Dec 21, 2014 at 20:07
  • Yep, I always forget you can do that in python.
    – imj
    Dec 21, 2014 at 20:11

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